@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
#include "DXBuffer.h"
#include "DXBuffer.h"
#include "Model3D.h"
#include "Model3D.h"
#include "Textur.h"
#include "Textur.h"
+#include "TexturModel.h"
+#include "TexturList.h"
#include <d3d11.h>
#include <d3d11.h>
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <d3d9.h>
@@ -507,8 +509,6 @@ Bildschirm3D::Bildschirm3D( WFenster *fenster )
d3d11Context( 0 ),
d3d11Context( 0 ),
d3d11SpawChain( 0 ),
d3d11SpawChain( 0 ),
frameworkTextur( 0 ),
frameworkTextur( 0 ),
- vertexBuffer( 0 ),
- indexBuffer( 0 ),
vertexShader( 0 ),
vertexShader( 0 ),
pixelShader( 0 ),
pixelShader( 0 ),
sampleState( 0 ),
sampleState( 0 ),
@@ -521,7 +521,8 @@ Bildschirm3D::Bildschirm3D( WFenster *fenster )
kameras( new RCArray< Kam3D >() ),
kameras( new RCArray< Kam3D >() ),
rend3D( 0 ),
rend3D( 0 ),
vp( 0 ),
vp( 0 ),
- renderObj( new Render3D() )
+ renderObj( new Render3D() ),
+ texturModel( new TexturModel() )
// Destruktor
// Destruktor
@@ -529,6 +530,7 @@ Bildschirm3D::~Bildschirm3D()
+ texturModel->release();
@@ -555,16 +557,6 @@ void Bildschirm3D::cleanUpDirectX()
frameworkTextur = NULL;
frameworkTextur = NULL;
- if( vertexBuffer )
- {
- vertexBuffer->release();
- vertexBuffer = NULL;
- }
- if( indexBuffer )
- {
- indexBuffer->release();
- indexBuffer = NULL;
- }
if( pixelShader )
if( pixelShader )
@@ -770,7 +762,7 @@ void Bildschirm3D::update() // aktualisiert directX
D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC depthDisabledStencilDesc;
D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC depthDisabledStencilDesc;
// Clear the second depth stencil state before setting the parameters.
// Clear the second depth stencil state before setting the parameters.
ZeroMemory( &depthDisabledStencilDesc, sizeof( depthDisabledStencilDesc ) );
ZeroMemory( &depthDisabledStencilDesc, sizeof( depthDisabledStencilDesc ) );
// Now create a second depth stencil state which turns off the Z buffer for 2D rendering. The only difference is
// Now create a second depth stencil state which turns off the Z buffer for 2D rendering. The only difference is
// that DepthEnable is set to false, all other parameters are the same as the other depth stencil state.
// that DepthEnable is set to false, all other parameters are the same as the other depth stencil state.
depthDisabledStencilDesc.DepthEnable = false;
depthDisabledStencilDesc.DepthEnable = false;
@@ -787,7 +779,7 @@ void Bildschirm3D::update() // aktualisiert directX
depthDisabledStencilDesc.BackFace.StencilDepthFailOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_DECR;
depthDisabledStencilDesc.BackFace.StencilDepthFailOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_DECR;
depthDisabledStencilDesc.BackFace.StencilPassOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
depthDisabledStencilDesc.BackFace.StencilPassOp = D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
depthDisabledStencilDesc.BackFace.StencilFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS;
depthDisabledStencilDesc.BackFace.StencilFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS;
// Create the state using the device.
// Create the state using the device.
result = d3d11Device->CreateDepthStencilState( &depthDisabledStencilDesc, &depthDisabledStencilState );
result = d3d11Device->CreateDepthStencilState( &depthDisabledStencilDesc, &depthDisabledStencilState );
@@ -804,7 +796,7 @@ void Bildschirm3D::update() // aktualisiert directX
pixelShader->setShaderCode( &shader );
pixelShader->setShaderCode( &shader );
pixelShader->compile( d3d11Device, "TexturePixelShader", "5_0" );
pixelShader->compile( d3d11Device, "TexturePixelShader", "5_0" );
- D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC polygonLayout[ 2 ];
+ D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC polygonLayout[ 3 ];
// Create the vertex input layout description.
// Create the vertex input layout description.
// This setup needs to match the VertexType stucture in the ModelClass and in the shader.
// This setup needs to match the VertexType stucture in the ModelClass and in the shader.
polygonLayout[ 0 ].SemanticName = "POSITION";
polygonLayout[ 0 ].SemanticName = "POSITION";
@@ -823,8 +815,16 @@ void Bildschirm3D::update() // aktualisiert directX
polygonLayout[ 1 ].InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
polygonLayout[ 1 ].InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
polygonLayout[ 1 ].InstanceDataStepRate = 0;
polygonLayout[ 1 ].InstanceDataStepRate = 0;
- vertexShader->erstelleInputLayout( d3d11Device, polygonLayout, 2 );
- vertexShader->erstelleConstBuffer( d3d11Device, sizeof( Mat4< float > ) * 3, 0 );
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].SemanticName = "KNOCHEN_ID";
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].SemanticIndex = 0;
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].InputSlot = 0;
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].AlignedByteOffset = D3D11_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT;
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
+ polygonLayout[ 2 ].InstanceDataStepRate = 0;
+ vertexShader->erstelleInputLayout( d3d11Device, polygonLayout, 3 );
+ vertexShader->erstelleConstBuffer( d3d11Device, sizeof( Mat4< float > ) * 128, 0 );
// Create a texture sampler state description.
// Create a texture sampler state description.
D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC samplerDesc;
D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC samplerDesc;
@@ -848,60 +848,12 @@ void Bildschirm3D::update() // aktualisiert directX
// Framework Backbuffer Texture
// Framework Backbuffer Texture
- unsigned long indices[ 6 ];
- Vertex3D vertices[ 6 ];
- // Load the index array with data.
- for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
- {
- indices[ i ] = i;
- }
- vertexBuffer = new DXVertexBuffer( sizeof( Vertex3D ) );
- vertexBuffer->setLänge( sizeof( vertices ) );
- vertexBuffer->setData( vertices );
- indexBuffer = new DXIndexBuffer( sizeof( int ) );
- indexBuffer->setLänge( sizeof( int ) * 6 );
- indexBuffer->setData( indices );
frameworkTextur = new Textur();
frameworkTextur = new Textur();
frameworkTextur->setBildZ( renderB->getThis() );
frameworkTextur->setBildZ( renderB->getThis() );
+ texturRegister->addTextur( frameworkTextur->getThis(), "f_Render_Bild" );
- float left, right, top, bottom;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the left side of the bitmap.
- left = (float)( ( backBufferGröße.x / 2.0 ) * -1 );
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the right side of the bitmap.
- right = left + (float)backBufferGröße.x;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the top of the bitmap.
- top = (float)( backBufferGröße.y / 2.0 );
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the bottom of the bitmap.
- bottom = top - (float)backBufferGröße.y;
- // Load the vertex array with data.
- // First triangle.
- vertices[ 0 ].pos = Vec3< float >( left, top, 0.0f ); // Top left.
- vertices[ 0 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 0.0f );
- vertices[ 1 ].pos = Vec3< float >( right, bottom, 0.0f ); // Bottom right.
- vertices[ 1 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 1.0f );
- vertices[ 2 ].pos = Vec3< float >( left, bottom, 0.0f ); // Bottom left.
- vertices[ 2 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 1.0f );
- // Second triangle.
- vertices[ 3 ].pos = Vec3< float >( left, top, 0.0f ); // Top left.
- vertices[ 3 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 0.0f );
- vertices[ 4 ].pos = Vec3< float >( right, top, 0.0f ); // Top right.
- vertices[ 4 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 0.0f );
- vertices[ 5 ].pos = Vec3< float >( right, bottom, 0.0f ); // Bottom right.
- vertices[ 5 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 1.0f );
+ texturModel->setGröße( backBufferGröße );
+ texturModel->setTextur( frameworkTextur->getId() );
D3D11_BLEND_DESC blendState;
D3D11_BLEND_DESC blendState;
ZeroMemory( &blendState, sizeof( D3D11_BLEND_DESC ) );
ZeroMemory( &blendState, sizeof( D3D11_BLEND_DESC ) );
@@ -932,9 +884,6 @@ void Bildschirm3D::update() // aktualisiert directX
d3d11Context->PSSetSamplers( 0, 1, &sampleState );
d3d11Context->PSSetSamplers( 0, 1, &sampleState );
renderObj->benutzeShader( PIXEL, pixelShader->getThis() );
renderObj->benutzeShader( PIXEL, pixelShader->getThis() );
- vertexBuffer->copieren( renderObj );
- indexBuffer->copieren( renderObj );
rend = 1;
rend = 1;
@@ -945,6 +894,7 @@ void Bildschirm3D::tick( double tickval )
__super::tick( tickval );
__super::tick( tickval );
for( auto i = kameras->getArray(); i.set; i++ )
for( auto i = kameras->getArray(); i.set; i++ )
rend3D |= i.var->tick( tickval );
rend3D |= i.var->tick( tickval );
+ rend3D |= texturModel->tick( tickval );
@@ -1033,11 +983,10 @@ void Bildschirm3D::render() // Zeichnet das Bild
d3d11Context->RSSetViewports( 1, vp );
d3d11Context->RSSetViewports( 1, vp );
- Mat4< float > welt = welt.identity();
float screenAspect = (float)backBufferGröße.x / (float)backBufferGröße.y;
float screenAspect = (float)backBufferGröße.x / (float)backBufferGröße.y;
- renderObj->setKameraMatrix( welt.translation( Vec3< float >( 0.f, 0.f, backBufferGröße.y * 1.2075f ) ), welt.projektion( DirectX::XM_PI / 4.0f, screenAspect, 0.1f, 10000.f ), Vec3< float >( 0.f, 0.f, backBufferGröße.y * 1.2075f ) );
- renderObj->beginnModel( welt, vertexBuffer, -1 );
- renderObj->draw( indexBuffer, frameworkTextur );
+ Mat4< float > view = view.translation( Vec3< float >( 0.f, 0.f, backBufferGröße.y * 1.2075f ) );
+ renderObj->setKameraMatrix( view, view.projektion( DirectX::XM_PI / 4.0f, screenAspect, 0.1f, 10000.f ), Vec3< float >( 0.f, 0.f, backBufferGröße.y * 1.2075f ) );
+ texturModel->render( renderObj );
result = d3d11SpawChain->Present( 0, 0 );
result = d3d11SpawChain->Present( 0, 0 );