@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+#include "LoginClient.h"
+#include <Klient.h>
+#include "Keys.h"
+#include <Globals.h>
+#include <Network.h>
+using namespace KSGClient;
+LoginClient::LoginClient( int klientId, unsigned short port, char *ip, char *key, unsigned char keyLen )
+ ref = 1;
+ this->ip = ip;
+ this->port = port;
+ cId = klientId;
+ k = 0;
+ this->key = new char[ keyLen ];
+ memcpy( this->key, key, keyLen );
+ this->keyLen = keyLen;
+ accountId = 0;
+ trenne( 1 );
+ delete[] key;
+bool LoginClient::verbinde()
+ cs.lock();
+ if( k )
+ {
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ k = new Network::Klient();
+ int l = 0;
+ char *key;
+ Keys::getServerKey( &key, l, Keys::LOGIN, Keys::SENDEN );
+ k->setSendeKey( key, l );
+ delete[] key;
+ Keys::getServerKey( &key, l, Keys::LOGIN, Keys::EMPFANGEN );
+ k->setEmpfangKey( key, l );
+ delete[] key;
+ if( k->verbinde( port, ip ) )
+ {
+ if( k->sendeEncrypted( "\1", 1 ) )
+ {
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&cId, 4 );
+ char serverReturn = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( serverReturn == 3 )
+ {
+ char byte = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &byte, 1 );
+ char *f = new char[ byte + 1 ];
+ f[ byte ] = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( f, byte );
+ err = "error while identifying client Login Server returned: ";
+ err += f;
+ delete[]f;
+ trenne( 0 );
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ k->setSendeKey( (char*)key, keyLen );
+ k->setEmpfangKey( (char*)key, keyLen );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = "network error while sending to Login Server";
+ k = k->release();
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = "network error while connecting to Login Server";
+ k = k->release();
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 1;
+int LoginClient::login( const char *name, const char *pass )
+ cs.lock();
+ if( !k )
+ {
+ err = "Der Client ist nicht verbunden.";
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ k->sendeEncrypted( "\5", 1 );
+ char serverReturn = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( serverReturn == 1 )
+ {
+ unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)textLength( name );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( name, byte );
+ byte = (unsigned char)textLength( pass );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( pass, byte );
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( serverReturn == 1 )
+ {
+ char host[ 255 ] = "";
+ Network::getHostName( host, 255 );
+ Text *addresse = new Text( Network::getHostAddresse() );
+ unsigned char localIp[ 4 ];
+ localIp[ 0 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText(), 10 );
+ localIp[ 1 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText() + addresse->positionVon( '.', 0 ) + 1, 10 );
+ localIp[ 2 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText() + addresse->positionVon( '.', 1 ) + 1, 10 );
+ localIp[ 3 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText() + addresse->positionVon( '.', 2 ) + 1, 10 );
+ addresse = addresse->release();
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&localIp, 4 );
+ byte = textLength( host );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( host, byte );
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( (char*)&accountId, 4 );
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if( serverReturn == 2 )
+ {
+ k->sendeEncrypted( "\0", 1 );
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( serverReturn == 3 )
+ {
+ char byte = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &byte, 1 );
+ char *fehler = new char[ byte + 1 ];
+ fehler[ byte ] = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( fehler, byte );
+ err = fehler;
+ delete[]fehler;
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ err = "Unbekannter Fehler";
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+bool LoginClient::kick( const char *name, const char *pass, const char *geheim )
+ cs.lock();
+ if( !k )
+ {
+ err = "Der Client ist nicht verbunden.";
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ k->sendeEncrypted( "\5", 1 );
+ char serverReturn = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( serverReturn == 1 )
+ {
+ unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)textLength( name );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( name, byte );
+ byte = (unsigned char)textLength( pass );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( pass, byte );
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( serverReturn == 2 )
+ {
+ unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)textLength( geheim );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( geheim, byte );
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( (char*)&serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( !serverReturn )
+ {
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if( serverReturn == 1 || serverReturn == 2 )
+ {
+ char host[ 255 ];
+ Network::getHostName( host, 255 );
+ Text *addresse = new Text( Network::getHostAddresse() );
+ unsigned char localIp[ 4 ];
+ localIp[ 0 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText(), 10 );
+ localIp[ 1 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText() + addresse->positionVon( '.', 0 ) + 1, 10 );
+ localIp[ 2 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText() + addresse->positionVon( '.', 1 ) + 1, 10 );
+ localIp[ 3 ] = TextZuInt( addresse->getText() + addresse->positionVon( '.', 2 ) + 1, 10 );
+ addresse = addresse->release();
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&localIp, 4 );
+ byte = textLength( host );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&byte, 1 );
+ k->sendeEncrypted( host, byte );
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( (char*)&accountId, 4 );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if( serverReturn == 3 )
+ {
+ char byte = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &byte, 1 );
+ char *fehler = new char[ byte + 1 ];
+ fehler[ byte ] = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( fehler, byte );
+ err = fehler;
+ delete[]fehler;
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ err = "Unbekannter Fehler";
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+bool LoginClient::logout()
+ cs.lock();
+ if( !k )
+ {
+ err = "Der Client ist nicht verbunden.";
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ k->sendeEncrypted( "\6", 1 );
+ char serverReturn = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ if( serverReturn == 1 )
+ {
+ k->sendeEncrypted( (char*)&accountId, 4 );
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &serverReturn, 1 );
+ }
+ if( serverReturn == 3 )
+ {
+ char byte = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &byte, 1 );
+ char *fehler = new char[ byte + 1 ];
+ fehler[ byte ] = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( fehler, byte );
+ err = fehler;
+ delete[]fehler;
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 1;
+bool LoginClient::keepAlive()
+ cs.lock();
+ if( !k )
+ {
+ err = "Der Client ist nicht verbunden.";
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Framework::logLine( (char*)"Verbindungstest zum Login Server..." );
+ bool ok = k->sendeEncrypted( "\x7", 1 );
+ char res = 0;
+ ok &= k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &res, 1 );
+ cs.unlock();
+ if( res != 1 || !ok )
+ {
+ Framework::logLine( ( char* )"Verbindungsabbruch." );
+ trenne( 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ Framework::logLine( ( char* )"Verbindung besteht." );
+ return res == 1;
+bool LoginClient::trenne( bool abmelden )
+ cs.lock();
+ verbinde();
+ if( !k )
+ {
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if( abmelden )
+ {
+ k->sendeEncrypted( "\4", 1 );
+ char ret = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &ret, 1 );
+ if( ret == 3 )
+ {
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &ret, 1 );
+ char *msg = new char[ ret + 1 ];
+ msg[ ret ] = 0;
+ if( ret )
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( msg, ret );
+ err = "error while unregister Client Login Server returned: ";
+ err += msg;
+ delete[] msg;
+ }
+ }
+ k->sendeEncrypted( "\3", 1 );
+ char ret = 0;
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &ret, 1 );
+ if( ret == 3 )
+ {
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( &ret, 1 );
+ char *msg = new char[ ret + 1 ];
+ msg[ ret ] = 0;
+ if( ret )
+ k->getNachrichtEncrypted( msg, ret );
+ err = "error while trenne Login Server returned: ";
+ err += msg;
+ delete[] msg;
+ }
+ k->trenne();
+ k = k->release();
+ cs.unlock();
+ return 1;
+bool LoginClient::istVerbunden() const
+ return k != 0;
+int LoginClient::getAccountId() const
+ return accountId;
+char *LoginClient::getLetzterFehler() const
+ return err;
+LoginServerClient *LoginClient::getThis()
+ ref++;
+ return this;
+LoginServerClient *LoginClient::release()
+ if( !--ref )
+ delete this;
+ return 0;