Browse Source

An neues Framework angepasst

Kolja Strohm 6 years ago
2 changed files with 386 additions and 389 deletions
  1. 386 386
  2. 0 3

+ 386 - 386

@@ -6,492 +6,492 @@
 // Konstruktor
 Klient::Klient( SSKlientV *klient )
-	this->klient = klient;
-	ref = 1;
+    this->klient = klient;
+    ref = 1;
 // Destruktor
-	if( klient )
-		klient->release();
+    if( klient )
+        klient->release();
 // nicht constant
 void Klient::offline()
-	klient = klient->release();
+    klient = (SSKlientV *)klient->release();
-void Klient::online( SSKlientV *zKlient )
+void Klient::online( SSKlientV * zKlient )
-	if( klient )
-		klient = klient->release();
-	klient = zKlient->getThis();
+    if( klient )
+        klient = (SSKlientV *)klient->release();
+    klient = (SSKlientV *)zKlient->getThis();
 void Klient::sendeSpielerNummer( int sNum, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 13;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeInitSpieler( int anzahl, RCArray< Spieler > *zSpieler, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = (short)( 13 + 20 * anzahl );
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 1;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = anzahl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < anzahl; i++ )
-	{
-		*(int*)( bytes + i * 20 + 13 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getSpielerNummer();
-		*(int*)( bytes + i * 20 + 17 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getSpielerTeam();
-		*(int*)( bytes + i * 20 + 21 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getSpielerFarbe();
-		*(int*)( bytes + i * 20 + 25 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getTeamFarbe();
-		*(int*)( bytes + i * 20 + 29 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getAccountId();
-	}
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeSpielerPosition( Spieler *zSpieler, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 29;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 2;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
-	*(double*)( bytes + 13 ) = zSpieler->getX();
-	*(double*)( bytes + 21 ) = zSpieler->getY();
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 13;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeInitSpieler( int anzahl, RCArray< Spieler > * zSpieler, double spielZeit )
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = (short)( 13 + 20 * anzahl );
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 1;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = anzahl;
+    for( int i = 0; i < anzahl; i++ )
+    {
+        *(int *)( bytes + i * 20 + 13 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getSpielerNummer();
+        *(int *)( bytes + i * 20 + 17 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getSpielerTeam();
+        *(int *)( bytes + i * 20 + 21 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getSpielerFarbe();
+        *(int *)( bytes + i * 20 + 25 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getTeamFarbe();
+        *(int *)( bytes + i * 20 + 29 ) = zSpieler->z( i )->getAccountId();
+    }
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeSpielerPosition( Spieler * zSpieler, double spielZeit )
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 29;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 2;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
+    *(double *)( bytes + 13 ) = zSpieler->getX();
+    *(double *)( bytes + 21 ) = zSpieler->getY();
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeKammeraSize( int br, int hi, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 17;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 3;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = br;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 13 ) = hi;
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 17;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 3;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = br;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 13 ) = hi;
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeStart( double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 9;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 4;
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 9;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 4;
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeSpielerTod( Spieler *zSpieler, double spielZeit )
+void Klient::sendeSpielerTod( Spieler * zSpieler, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 13;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 5;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 13;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 5;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeSpielEnde( char gewonnen, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 10;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 6;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 9 ) = gewonnen;
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeSpielerGeschwindigkeit( Spieler *zSpieler, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 29;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 7;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
-	*(double*)( bytes + 13 ) = zSpieler->getSpeedX();
-	*(double*)( bytes + 21 ) = zSpieler->getSpeedY();
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeSpielerWendigkeit( Spieler *zSpieler, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 21;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 8;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
-	*(double*)( bytes + 13 ) = zSpieler->getKurve();
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 10;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 6;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 9 ) = gewonnen;
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeSpielerGeschwindigkeit( Spieler * zSpieler, double spielZeit )
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 29;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 7;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
+    *(double *)( bytes + 13 ) = zSpieler->getSpeedX();
+    *(double *)( bytes + 21 ) = zSpieler->getSpeedY();
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeSpielerWendigkeit( Spieler * zSpieler, double spielZeit )
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 21;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 8;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = zSpieler->getSpielerNummer();
+    *(double *)( bytes + 13 ) = zSpieler->getKurve();
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeSpielerKurve( int sNum, char kurve, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 14;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 9;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
-	bytes[ 13 ] = kurve;
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 14;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 9;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
+    bytes[ 13 ] = kurve;
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeKartenSize( int br, int hi, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = 17;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xA;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = br;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 13 ) = hi;
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = 17;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xA;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = br;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 13 ) = hi;
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeChatNachricht( char *txt, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = (short)( 9 + textLength( txt ) );
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xB;
-	for( int i = 9; i < len; i++ )
-		bytes[ i ] = txt[ i - 9 ];
-	klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = (short)( 9 + textLength( txt ) );
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xB;
+    for( int i = 9; i < len; i++ )
+        bytes[ i ] = txt[ i - 9 ];
+    klient->spielNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeLinienUnterbrechung( int sNum, bool unterbrochen, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 14 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xC;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
-	*( bytes + 13 ) = (char)unterbrochen;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 14, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 14 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xC;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
+    *( bytes + 13 ) = (char)unterbrochen;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 14, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeTeamMaxPunkte( int team, int mP, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 17 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xD;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 13 ) = mP;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 17, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 17 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xD;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 13 ) = mP;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 17, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeTeamPunkte( int team, int p, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 17 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xE;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 13 ) = p;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 17, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 17 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xE;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 13 ) = p;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 17, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeSpielerPunkte( int sNum, int p, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 17 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xF;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 13 ) = p;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 17, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 17 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0xF;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = sNum;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 13 ) = p;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 17, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeTeamTod( int team, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 13 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x10;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 13, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 13 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x10;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 13, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeTeamName( int team, char *name )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	int nL = textLength( name );
-	char *bytes = new char[ 13 + nL ];
-	*(double*)bytes = 0;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x13;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
-	memcpy( bytes + 13, name, nL );
-	klient->spielNachricht( (short)( 13 + nL ), bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    int nL = textLength( name );
+    char *bytes = new char[ 13 + nL ];
+    *(double *)bytes = 0;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x13;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = team;
+    memcpy( bytes + 13, name, nL );
+    klient->spielNachricht( (short)( 13 + nL ), bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeRundenEnde( int winTeam, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 13 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x11;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = winTeam;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 13, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 13 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x11;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = winTeam;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 13, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeZeitVerbleibend( int sekunden, double spielZeit )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 13 ];
-	*(double*)bytes = spielZeit;
-	*(char*)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x12;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = sekunden;
-	klient->spielNachricht( 13, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 13 ];
+    *(double *)bytes = spielZeit;
+    *(char *)( bytes + 8 ) = 0x12;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = sekunden;
+    klient->spielNachricht( 13, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeStatistikChatNachricht( int vonAccount, char *txt )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	short len = (short)( 5 + textLength( txt ) );
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	*(char*)( bytes ) = 8;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = vonAccount;
-	for( int i = 5; i < len; i++ )
-		bytes[ i ] = txt[ i - 5 ];
-	klient->statistikNachricht( len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    short len = (short)( 5 + textLength( txt ) );
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    *(char *)( bytes ) = 8;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = vonAccount;
+    for( int i = 5; i < len; i++ )
+        bytes[ i ] = txt[ i - 5 ];
+    klient->statistikNachricht( len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeStatistikSpielerOffline( int account )
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 5 ];
-	*(char*)( bytes ) = 9;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = account;
-	klient->statistikNachricht( 5, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeGesamtSpielerStatistik( GesamtSpielerStatistik *zS )
-	if( !zS || !klient )
-		return;
-	char snl = (char)zS->zSpielerName()->getLength();
-	char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
-	int len = 43 + snl + tnl;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	bytes[ 0 ] = 2;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getSpielerNummer();
-	*(char*)( bytes + 5 ) = (char)zS->zSpielerName()->getLength();
-	for( int i = 0; i < snl; i++ )
-		bytes[ i + 6 ] = zS->zSpielerName()->getText()[ i ];
-	*(char*)( bytes + 6 + snl ) = tnl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
-		bytes[ i + 7 + snl ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
-	*(int*)( bytes + 7 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getSpielerFarbe();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 11 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 15 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getGewonneneRunden();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 19 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getPunkte();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 23 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 27 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getZeitAmLeben();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 31 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getZeitTod();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 35 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 39 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTode();
-	klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeGesamtTeamStatistik( GesamtTeamStatistik *zS )
-	if( !zS || !klient )
-		return;
-	char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
-	int len = 30 + tnl;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	bytes[ 0 ] = 3;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getTeamNummer();
-	*(char*)( bytes + 5 ) = tnl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
-		bytes[ i + 6 ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
-	*(int*)( bytes + 6 + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 10 + tnl ) = zS->getGewonneneRunden();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 14 + tnl ) = zS->getPunkte();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 18 + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 22 + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 26 + tnl ) = zS->getTode();
-	klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeRundeStatistik( RundenRundenStatistik *zS )
-	if( !zS || !klient )
-		return;
-	char *bytes = new char[ 25 ];
-	bytes[ 0 ] = 4;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getRundenNummer();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 5 ) = zS->getRundenDauer();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = zS->getSiegerTeam();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 13 ) = zS->getSpielFeldNutzung();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 17 ) = zS->zRundenBild()->getBreite();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 21 ) = zS->zRundenBild()->getHeight();
-	klient->statistikNachricht( 25, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-	Bild *zB = zS->zRundenBild();
-	int pixel = zB->getBreite() * zB->getHeight();
-	while( pixel )
-	{
-		int pStart = zB->getBreite() * zB->getHeight() - pixel;
-		int pLen = pixel > 200 ? 200 : pixel;
-		char *bytes = new char[ 13 + pLen * 4 ];
-		bytes[ 0 ] = 5;
-		*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getRundenNummer();
-		*(int*)( bytes + 5 ) = pStart;
-		*(int*)( bytes + 9 ) = pLen;
-		for( int i = 0; i < pLen; i++ )
-			*(int*)( bytes + 13 + i * 4 ) = zB->getBuffer()[ pStart + i ];
-		klient->statistikNachricht( (short)( 13 + pLen * 4 ), bytes );
-		delete[] bytes;
-		pixel -= pLen;
-	}
-	int anz = zS->getSpielerAnzahl();
-	for( int i = 0; i < anz; i++ )
-		sendeRundeSpielerStatistik( zS->zSpielerStatistik( i ), zS->getRundenNummer() );
-	anz = zS->getTeamAnzahl();
-	for( int i = 0; i < anz; i++ )
-		sendeRundeTeamStatistik( zS->zTeamStatistik( i ), zS->getRundenNummer() );
-void Klient::sendeRundeSpielerStatistik( RundenSpielerStatistik *zS, int runde )
-	if( !zS || !klient )
-		return;
-	char snl = (char)zS->zSpielerName()->getLength();
-	char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
-	int len = 31 + snl + tnl;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	bytes[ 0 ] = 6;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = runde;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 5 ) = zS->getSpielerNummer();
-	*(char*)( bytes + 9 ) = snl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < snl; i++ )
-		bytes[ i + 10 ] = zS->zSpielerName()->getText()[ i ];
-	*(char*)( bytes + 10 + snl ) = tnl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
-		bytes[ i + 11 + snl ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
-	*(int*)( bytes + 11 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getSpielerFarbe();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 15 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 19 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 23 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 27 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTodesZeit();
-	klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
-void Klient::sendeRundeTeamStatistik( RundenTeamStatistik *zS, int runde )
-	if( !zS || !klient )
-		return;
-	char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
-	int len = 27 + tnl;
-	char *bytes = new char[ len ];
-	bytes[ 0 ] = 7;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 1 ) = runde;
-	*(int*)( bytes + 5 ) = zS->getTeamNummer();
-	*(char*)( bytes + 9 ) = tnl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
-		bytes[ i + 10 ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
-	*(int*)( bytes + 10 + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
-	*(char*)( bytes + 14 + tnl ) = (char)zS->getErgebnis();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 15 + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 19 + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
-	*(int*)( bytes + 23 + tnl ) = zS->getTode();
-	klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
-	delete[] bytes;
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 5 ];
+    *(char *)( bytes ) = 9;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = account;
+    klient->statistikNachricht( 5, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeGesamtSpielerStatistik( GesamtSpielerStatistik * zS )
+    if( !zS || !klient )
+        return;
+    char snl = (char)zS->zSpielerName()->getLength();
+    char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
+    int len = 43 + snl + tnl;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    bytes[ 0 ] = 2;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getSpielerNummer();
+    *(char *)( bytes + 5 ) = (char)zS->zSpielerName()->getLength();
+    for( int i = 0; i < snl; i++ )
+        bytes[ i + 6 ] = zS->zSpielerName()->getText()[ i ];
+    *(char *)( bytes + 6 + snl ) = tnl;
+    for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
+        bytes[ i + 7 + snl ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
+    *(int *)( bytes + 7 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getSpielerFarbe();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 11 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 15 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getGewonneneRunden();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 19 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getPunkte();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 23 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 27 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getZeitAmLeben();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 31 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getZeitTod();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 35 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 39 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTode();
+    klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeGesamtTeamStatistik( GesamtTeamStatistik * zS )
+    if( !zS || !klient )
+        return;
+    char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
+    int len = 30 + tnl;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    bytes[ 0 ] = 3;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getTeamNummer();
+    *(char *)( bytes + 5 ) = tnl;
+    for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
+        bytes[ i + 6 ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
+    *(int *)( bytes + 6 + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 10 + tnl ) = zS->getGewonneneRunden();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 14 + tnl ) = zS->getPunkte();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 18 + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 22 + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 26 + tnl ) = zS->getTode();
+    klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeRundeStatistik( RundenRundenStatistik * zS )
+    if( !zS || !klient )
+        return;
+    char *bytes = new char[ 25 ];
+    bytes[ 0 ] = 4;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getRundenNummer();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 5 ) = zS->getRundenDauer();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = zS->getSiegerTeam();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 13 ) = zS->getSpielFeldNutzung();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 17 ) = zS->zRundenBild()->getBreite();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 21 ) = zS->zRundenBild()->getHeight();
+    klient->statistikNachricht( 25, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+    Bild * zB = zS->zRundenBild();
+    int pixel = zB->getBreite() * zB->getHeight();
+    while( pixel )
+    {
+        int pStart = zB->getBreite() * zB->getHeight() - pixel;
+        int pLen = pixel > 200 ? 200 : pixel;
+        char *bytes = new char[ 13 + pLen * 4 ];
+        bytes[ 0 ] = 5;
+        *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = zS->getRundenNummer();
+        *(int *)( bytes + 5 ) = pStart;
+        *(int *)( bytes + 9 ) = pLen;
+        for( int i = 0; i < pLen; i++ )
+            * (int *)( bytes + 13 + i * 4 ) = zB->getBuffer()[ pStart + i ];
+        klient->statistikNachricht( (short)( 13 + pLen * 4 ), bytes );
+        delete[] bytes;
+        pixel -= pLen;
+    }
+    int anz = zS->getSpielerAnzahl();
+    for( int i = 0; i < anz; i++ )
+        sendeRundeSpielerStatistik( zS->zSpielerStatistik( i ), zS->getRundenNummer() );
+    anz = zS->getTeamAnzahl();
+    for( int i = 0; i < anz; i++ )
+        sendeRundeTeamStatistik( zS->zTeamStatistik( i ), zS->getRundenNummer() );
+void Klient::sendeRundeSpielerStatistik( RundenSpielerStatistik * zS, int runde )
+    if( !zS || !klient )
+        return;
+    char snl = (char)zS->zSpielerName()->getLength();
+    char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
+    int len = 31 + snl + tnl;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    bytes[ 0 ] = 6;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = runde;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 5 ) = zS->getSpielerNummer();
+    *(char *)( bytes + 9 ) = snl;
+    for( int i = 0; i < snl; i++ )
+        bytes[ i + 10 ] = zS->zSpielerName()->getText()[ i ];
+    *(char *)( bytes + 10 + snl ) = tnl;
+    for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
+        bytes[ i + 11 + snl ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
+    *(int *)( bytes + 11 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getSpielerFarbe();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 15 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 19 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 23 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 27 + snl + tnl ) = zS->getTodesZeit();
+    klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
+void Klient::sendeRundeTeamStatistik( RundenTeamStatistik * zS, int runde )
+    if( !zS || !klient )
+        return;
+    char tnl = (char)zS->zTeamName()->getLength();
+    int len = 27 + tnl;
+    char *bytes = new char[ len ];
+    bytes[ 0 ] = 7;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 1 ) = runde;
+    *(int *)( bytes + 5 ) = zS->getTeamNummer();
+    *(char *)( bytes + 9 ) = tnl;
+    for( int i = 0; i < tnl; i++ )
+        bytes[ i + 10 ] = zS->zTeamName()->getText()[ i ];
+    *(int *)( bytes + 10 + tnl ) = zS->getTeamFarbe();
+    *(char *)( bytes + 14 + tnl ) = (char)zS->getErgebnis();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 15 + tnl ) = zS->getLinienLength();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 19 + tnl ) = zS->getKills();
+    *(int *)( bytes + 23 + tnl ) = zS->getTode();
+    klient->statistikNachricht( (short)len, bytes );
+    delete[] bytes;
 void Klient::sendeStatistikLadenFertig()
-	if( !klient )
-		return;
-	char byte = 1;
-	klient->statistikNachricht( 1, &byte );
+    if( !klient )
+        return;
+    char byte = 1;
+    klient->statistikNachricht( 1, &byte );
 // constant
 bool Klient::istOnline() const
-	return klient != 0;
+    return klient != 0;
 // reference Counting
 Klient *Klient::getThie()
-	ref++;
-	return this;
+    ref++;
+    return this;
 Klient *Klient::release()
-	ref--;
-	if( !ref )
-		delete this;
-	return 0;
+    ref--;
+    if( !ref )
+        delete this;
+    return 0;

+ 0 - 3

@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ public:
 	virtual void errorZuKlientSende( const char *nachricht ) = 0;
 	// const
 	virtual int getAccountId() const = 0;
-	// Reference Counting
-	virtual SSKlientV *getThis() = 0;
-	virtual SSKlientV *release() = 0;