PanelConfigs.ini 883 B

  1. [PC_GreenTrap]
  2. ID=5
  3. Text=hihihihihihihihihihihi
  4. FontColor=1346280
  5. BackGroundColor=464650
  6. LeftDivW=0,123445825932504
  7. TopDivH=0,365079365079365
  8. DontShowIfWon=1
  9. [PC_WallTrap]
  10. ID=6
  11. Text=Warping Walls!
  12. FontColor=14365748
  13. DontShowIfWon=1
  14. [PC_Speed]
  15. ID=7
  16. Text=Speed increased to
  17. FontColor=16754688
  18. SpeedAtEnd=1
  19. [PC_RedSpeed]
  20. ID=8
  21. Text=Speed decreased to
  22. FontColor=1644950
  23. DontShowIfWon=1
  24. SpeedAtEnd=1
  25. [PC_GreenSpeed]
  26. ID=9
  27. Text=Speed increased to
  28. FontColor=3005309
  29. SpeedAtEnd=1
  30. [PC_Explosion]
  31. ID=14
  32. Text=BOOM
  33. FontColor=15430935
  34. BackGroundColor=1346280
  35. LeftDivW=0,05
  36. WidthDivW=0,9
  37. TopDivH=0,1
  38. HeightDivH=0,8
  39. Seconds=1,5
  40. FontSizeDivH=0,432900432900433
  41. DontShowIfWon=1
  42. [PC_RandomSpeed]
  43. ID=27
  44. Text=Speed changed randomly to
  45. FontColor=0
  46. BackGroundColor=16777215
  47. DontShowIfWon=1
  48. [PC_Bonbon]
  49. ID=31
  50. Text=Trapped!
  51. FontColor=5289727
  52. DontShowIfWon=1