"general": {
"value": "Value",
"modifier": "Modifier",
"modifiers": "Modifiers",
"attribute": "Attribute",
"attributeValue": "Attribute Value",
"feet": "Feet",
"fields": "Fields",
"meter": "Meter",
"level": "Level",
"effect": "Effect",
"diceNumber": "Dice Number",
"diceType": "Dice Type",
"dice": "D",
"weapons": "Weapons",
"spells": "Spells",
"property": "Property",
"properties": "Properties",
"description": "Description",
"damageType": "Damage Type",
"german": "German",
"english": "English",
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"round": "Round(s)",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"genders": {
"male": "Male",
"female": "Female",
"diverse": "Diverse"
"backgrounds": {
"acolyte": "Acolyte",
"charlatan": "Charlatan",
"criminal": "Criminal",
"entertainer": "Entertainer",
"folkHero": "Folk Hero",
"guildArtisan": "Guild Artisan",
"hermit": "Hermit",
"noble": "Noble",
"outlander": "Outlander",
"sage": "Sage",
"sailor": "Sailor",
"soldier": "Soldier",
"urchin": "Urchin"
"modal": {
"name": "Name",
"shortDescription": "Short Description",
"shortHint": "Will be shown in overview",
"longDescription": "Detailed Description",
"longHint": "Will be shown in detail view",
"cost": "Cost:",
"uses": "Uses"
"buttons": {
"add": "Add",
"apply": "Apply",
"addEntry": "Add Entry",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"modify": "Modify",
"save": "Save",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"remove": "Remove",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"discard": "Discard",
"export": "Export",
"deleteSelected": "Delete Selected",
"consume": "Consume"
"time": {
"none": "No cost",
"action": "Action",
"bonus": "Bonus Action",
"reaction": "Reaction",
"rounds": "Round(s)",
"minutes": "Minute(s)",
"hours": "Hour(s)",
"days": "Day(s)",
"instant": "Instant",
"ritual": "Ritual",
"permanent": "Permanent"
"uses": {
"0": "Umlimited",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7",
"8": "8",
"9": "9",
"10": "10"
"damageTypes": {
"acid": "Acid",
"bludgeoning": "Bludgeoning",
"cold": "Cold",
"fire": "Fire",
"force": "Force",
"lightning": "Lightning",
"necrotic": "Necrotic",
"piercing": "Piercing",
"poison": "Poison",
"psychic": "Psychic",
"radiant": "Radiant",
"slashing": "Slashing"
"areaTypes": {
"areaType": "Area Type",
"cone": "Cone",
"cube": "Cube",
"cylinder": "Cylinder",
"line": "Line",
"square": "Square",
"sphere": "Sphere",
"circle": "Circle"
"schools": {
"abjuration": "Abjuration",
"conjuration": "Conjuration",
"divination": "Divination",
"enchantment": "Enchantment",
"evocation": "Evocation",
"illusion": "Illusion",
"necromancy": "Necromancy",
"transmutation": "Transmutation"
"species": {
"human": "Human",
"elf": "Elf",
"dwarf": "Dwarf",
"halfling": "Halfling",
"gnome": "Gnome",
"halfElf": "Half-Elf",
"halfOrc": "Half-Orc",
"tiefling": "Tiefling",
"dragonborn": "Dragonborn",
"aarakocra": "Aarakocra",
"aasimar": "Asimar",
"autognome": "Autognome",
"bugbear": "Bugbear",
"centaur": "Centaur",
"changeling": "Changeling",
"duergar": "Duergar",
"drow": "Drow",
"eladrin": "Eladrin",
"halfElfDetection": "Half-Elf (Mark Of Detection)",
"fairy": "Fairy",
"firbolg": "Firbolg",
"genasi": "Genasi",
"gith": "Gith",
"goblin": "Goblin",
"goliath": "Goliath",
"hobgoblin": "Hobgoblin",
"kalashtar": "Kalashtar",
"kenku": "Kenku",
"kobold": "Kobold",
"leonin": "Leonin",
"lizardfolk": "Lizardfolk",
"locathah": "Locathah",
"loxodon": "Loxodon",
"minotaur": "Minotaur",
"orc": "Orc",
"owlin": "Owlin",
"satyr": "Satyr",
"shifter": "Shifter",
"tabaxi": "Tabaxi",
"simicHybrid": "Simic-Hybrid",
"tortle": "Tortle",
"triton": "Triton",
"vedalken": "Vedalken",
"verdan": "Verdan",
"warforged": "Warforged",
"yuanTi": "Yuan-Ti"
"classes": {
"all": "All Classes",
"artificer": "Artificer",
"barbarian": "Barbarian",
"bard": "Bard",
"cleric": "Cleric",
"druid": "Druid",
"fighter": "Fighter",
"monk": "Monk",
"paladin": "Paladin",
"ranger": "Ranger",
"rogue": "Rogue",
"sorcerer": "Sorcerer",
"warlock": "Warlock",
"wizard": "Wizard",
"test": "Test"
"subclasses": {
"empty": "No subclass chosen",
"hint": " Here you can choose your subclass. The subclass is a special specialization of your class. It gives you additional features and traits.",
"barbarian": {
"berserker": "Berserker"
"bard": {
"lore": "Lore",
"valor": "Valor"
"cleric": {
"peaceDomain": "Peace Domain"
"druid": {
"land": "Circle of the Land",
"moon": "Circle of the Moon"
"fighter": {
"champion": "Champion",
"battleMaster": "Battle Master",
"eldritchKnight": "Eldritch Knight",
"echoKnight": "Echo Knight"
"monk": {
"openHand": "Way of the Open Hand",
"wayOfShadows": "Way of Shadow",
"fourElements": "Way of the Four Elements"
"paladin": {
"devotion": "Oath of Devotion",
"ancients": "Oath of the Ancients",
"vengeance": "Oath of Vengeance",
"crown": "Oath of the Crown",
"conquest": "Oath of Conquest",
"redemption": "Oath of Redemption"
"ranger": {
"hunter": "Hunter",
"beastMaster": "Beast Master",
"gloomStalker": "Gloom Stalker"
"rogue": {
"thief": "Thief",
"assassin": "Assassin",
"arcaneTrickster": "Arcane Trickser",
"mastermind": "Mastermind",
"swashbuckler": "Swashbuckler"
"sorcerer": {
"draconic": "Draconic Bloodline",
"wildMagic": "Wild Magic",
"phoenixSorcery": "Phoenix Sorcery",
"shadowMagic": "Shadow Magic"
"warlock": {
"fiend": "The Fiend",
"archfey": "The Archfey",
"greatOldOne": "The Great Old One",
"celestial": "The Celestial",
"hexblade": "The Hexblade"
"wizard": {
"abjuration": "School of Abjuration",
"conjuration": "School of Conjuration",
"divination": "School of Divination",
"enchantment": "School of Enchantment",
"evocation": "School of Evocation",
"illusion": "School of Illusion",
"necromancy": "School of Necromancy"
"attributes": {
"value": "Value",
"modifier": "Modifier",
"strength": "Strength",
"dexterity": "Dexterity",
"constitution": "Constitution",
"intelligence": "Intelligence",
"wisdom": "Wisdom",
"charisma": "Charisma"
"attributesAbbreviations": {
"strength": "STR",
"dexterity": "DEX",
"constitution": "CON",
"intelligence": "INT",
"wisdom": "WIS",
"charisma": "CHA"
"attributeDetails": {
"affectedSkills": "Affected Skills:",
"strength": "Strength measures bodily power, athletic training, and the extent to which you can exert raw physical force. A high strength value indicates physical robustness, muscular strength and assertiveness. Characters with high strength are often better able to carry heavy loads, wield powerful weapons and overcome physical challenges.",
"dexterity": "Dexterity represents your character's agility, reflexes and general body control. A high dexterity value indicates quick reactions, skillful movements and good hand-eye coordination. Characters with high dexterity are often skilled thieves, archers or acrobats.",
"constitution": "Constitution stands for your character's resilience, health and stamina. A high constitution value means that your character is robust and can cope well with physical stress. Characters with a high constitution often have a higher health score and are more resistant to diseases and poison.",
"intelligence": "Intelligence measures your character's mental acuity, logical thinking and learning ability. A high intelligence score indicates a good general education, a thirst for knowledge and analytical skills. Characters with high intelligence are often mages, researchers or strategists.",
"wisdom": "Wisdom represents your character's perception, intuition and emotional intelligence. A high Wisdom score indicates good judgment, insight and inner strength. Characters with high wisdom are often clerics, druids or sages.",
"charisma": "Charisma reflects your character's charisma, persuasiveness and social skills. A high charisma score means that your character is charming, engaging and persuasive. Characters with high charisma are often better at communicating with others, persuading and taking on leadership roles. Charisma is often important for bards, leaders or diplomats.",
"strengths": "Resistances and Vulnerabilities"
"resistances": {
"resistances": "Resistances",
"immunities": "Immunities",
"vulnerabilities": "Vulnerabilities"
"skills": {
"acrobatics": "Acrobatics",
"animalHandling": "Animal Handling",
"arcana": "Arcana",
"athletics": "Athletics",
"deception": "Deception",
"history": "History",
"insight": "Insight",
"intimidation": "Intimidation",
"investigation": "Investigation",
"medicine": "Medicine",
"nature": "Nature",
"perception": "Perception",
"performance": "Performance",
"persuasion": "Persuasion",
"religion": "Religion",
"sleightOfHand": "Sleight of Hand",
"stealth": "Stealth",
"survival": "Survival"
"skillsDescription": {
"acrobatics": "Acrobatics rolls cover all attempts in which a character tries to stay on their feet in difficult situations. This includes, for example, balancing on a rope, running over unstable surfaces, balancing on a narrow ledge and jumping over obstacles.",
"animalHandling": "Animal Handling rolls cover all attempts to calm a domesticated animal, keep a mount from shying, or intuitively understand how a wild animal is feeling and what its intentions are.",
"arcana": "Arcana rolls cover all attempts to identify, understand or manipulate magical energy.",
"athletics": "Athletics rolls cover all attempts to test a character's physical strength. This includes, for example, climbing, swimming and jumping.",
"deception": "Rolls for Deception indicate whether a character can convincingly conceal the truth, whether verbally or through concrete actions. This includes, for example, lying, hiding emotions behind a mask and disguising oneself.",
"history": "Dice on history cover all attempts to remember historical events and people, past ages, ancient empires and forgotten cultures.",
"insight": "Insight rolls cover all attempts to recognize the true intentions of another person. This includes, for example, recognizing lies, interpreting body language and predicting their next moves.",
"intimidation": "Rolls for Intimidation cover all attempts to influence another person through threats, obvious violence or subtle hints.",
"investigation": "Investigation rolls cover all attempts to find and interpret clues that point to previous activity. This includes, for example, reconstructing the course of events or tracking down hidden objects.",
"medicine": "Medicine rolls cover all attempts to stabilize a character, heal an illness or dress a wound.",
"nature": "Nature rolls cover all attempts to recognize the characteristics of wild animals, plants and other creatures.",
"perception": "Perception rolls cover all attempts to observe the surroundings and notice what is nearby. This includes, for example, recognizing hidden enemies, listening to conversations behind a door, discovering clues and observing dangers.",
"performance": "Performance rolls cover all attempts to entertain an audience, be it through music, dancing, acting or other forms of entertainment.",
"persuasion": "Rolls for Persuasion cover all attempts to influence another person through persuasion, logic or argumentation.",
"religion": "Rolls for religion cover all attempts to understand religious rituals, recognize religious symbols and interpret religious traditions.",
"sleightOfHand": "Sleight of Hand rolls cover all attempts to steal something, perform a trick or carry out an action without anyone noticing.",
"stealth": "Stealth rolls cover all attempts to hide, move quietly and conceal oneself.",
"survival": "Survival rolls cover all attempts to survive in the wilderness. This includes, for example, hunting and navigating through the wilderness."
"skillsAttributes": {
"acrobatics": "dexterity",
"animalHandling": "wisdom",
"arcana": "intelligence",
"athletics": "strength",
"deception": "charisma",
"history": "intelligence",
"insight": "wisdom",
"intimidation": "charisma",
"investigation": "intelligence",
"medicine": "wisdom",
"nature": "wisdom",
"perception": "wisdom",
"performance": "charisma",
"persuasion": "charisma",
"religion": "intelligence",
"sleightOfHand": "dexterity",
"stealth": "dexterity",
"survival": "wisdom"
"skillDetails": {
"title": "Permanent (Dis-)Advantages",
"advantage": "Advantage",
"disadvantage": "Disadvantage",
"none": "None"
"savingThrow": {
"subheading": "Saving Throw",
"content": " A saving throw is always required when checking whether a player can resist an attack or external influence. Passing a saving throw can prevent or at least weaken the effect."
"armorClass": {
"label": "Armor Class",
"shortLabel": "Armor",
"description": "The armor class is used to determine whether an attack is successful or not. An attacker must make a dice roll (usually a D20) and achieve at least the armor class of the target. If the roll is successful, the attack causes damage, otherwise the attack is blocked."
"initiative": {
"label": "Initiative",
"description": "The initiative bonus is used to determine the initiative of the current battle or a time-critical situation. Each character rolls a d20 and adds up their initiative bonus. The character with the highest result may act first."
"movement": {
"label": "Movement",
"shortLabel": "Movement",
"movement": "Walking",
"translationTable": "Translation Table",
"description": "The movement speed indicates how far a character can walk per round. The movement speed is given in feet, with 5 feet corresponding to 1.5 meters and therefore one field. The movement can be used in one piece or divided into several parts. In difficult terrain, the movement speed is halved.",
"jumping": "Jumping",
"jumpingDescription": "A character can jump based on their strength. If you have moved 10 feet (2 fields) before jumping, you can jump twice the distance."
"proficiency": {
"label": "Proficiency",
"shortLabel": "Proficiency",
"description": "The proficiency bonus is added to all save, attack and skill rolls in which a player is proficient in. The proficiency bonus increases with the character level."
"conditions": {
"label": "Conditions",
"shortLabel": "Consition",
"noConditions": "No Conditions",
"addCondition": "Add Condition",
"currentConditions": "Current Conditions",
"description": "Conditions change a creature's abilities in various ways and can be the result of spells, class features, monster attacks or other abilities. The condition lasts until it is canceled or until its duration expires.",
"blinded": "Blinded",
"charmed": "Charmed",
"deafened": "Deafened",
"frightened": "Frightened",
"grappled": "Grappled",
"incapacitated": "Incapacitated",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"paralyzed": "Paralyzed",
"petrified": "Petrified",
"poisoned": "Poisoned",
"prone": "Prone",
"restrained": "Retrained",
"stunned": "Stunned",
"unconscious": "Unconscious",
"conditionDescriptions": {
"stunned": [
"A stunned creature is incapacitated, can't move, and can speak only falteringly.",
"The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have advantage."
"unconscious": [
"An unconscious creature is incapacitated, can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.",
"The creature drops whatever it's holding and falls prone.",
"The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.",
"Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature."
"charmed": [
"A charmed creature can't attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful abilities or magical effects.",
"The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with the creature."
"blinded": [
"A blinded creature can't see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage."
"restrained": [
"A restrained creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage.",
"The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws."
"paralyzed": [
"A paralyzed creature is incapacitated and can't move or speak.",
"The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.",
"Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature."
"grappled": [
"A grappled creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed.",
"The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated.",
"The condition also ends if an effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the grappler or grappling effect, such as when a creature is hurled away by the thunderwave spell. "
"incapacitated": [
"An incapacitated creature can't take actions or reactions."
"prone": [
"A prone creature's only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition.",
"The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls.",
"An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage."
"deafened": [
"A deafened creature can't hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing."
"invisible": [
"An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the creature is heavily obscured. The creature's location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and the creature's attack rolls have advantage."
"frightened": [
"A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.",
"The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear."
"poisoned": [
" A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks."
"petrified": [
"A petrified creature is transformed, along with any nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone). Its weight increases by a factor of ten, and it ceases aging.",
"The creature is incapacitated, can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.",
"Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.",
"The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws.",
"The creature has resistance to all damage.",
"The creature is immune to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized."
"exhaustion": {
"label": "Exhaustion",
"description": "Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such as hunger or extreme temperatures, can lead to exhaustion. Each level adds a further penalty, so several penalties are possible at the same time. Exhaustion can be reduced by a long rest, for example.",
"currentExhaustion": "Current Exhaustion",
"0": "No Limitation",
"1": "Disadvantage on ability checks",
"2": "Speed halved",
"3": "Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws",
"4": "Hit point maximum halved",
"5": "Speed reduced to 0",
"6": "Death"
"life": {
"hitpoints": "Hit Points",
"max": "Maximum Hit Points",
"temporary": "Temporary Hit Points",
"current": "Current Hit Points",
"hitdice": "Hit Dice",
"hitdiceDescription": "Hit dice are used to restore hit points during a short rest. You can use any number of your available hit dice. They are restored during a long rest.",
"deathSave": "Death Saving Throws",
"success": "Success",
"fail": "Failure",
"description": "Whenever a character starts his turn with 0 hit points and has not been stabilized, he must make a death saving throw. If the result is 10 or higher, the roll is successful, otherwise it fails. On the third success the character is stabilized, on the third failure he dies.",
"criticalHeader": "Roll a 1 or 20",
"criticalContent": "If a character rolls a 1, the roll counts as two misses. If they roll a 20, they immediately gain one life point and are no longer unconscious."
"weapons": {
"header": {
"type": "Type",
"name": "Name",
"bonus": "Bonus",
"damage": "Damage",
"range": "Range"
"name": "Name",
"noWeapons": "No weapons added yet",
"meele": "Melee",
"ranged": "Ranged",
"attack": "Attack",
"single": "One-handed Damage",
"dual": "Two-handed Damage",
"proficient": "Proficient",
"versatile": "Versatile",
"oneHanded": "One-handed",
"twoHanded": "Two-handed",
"finesse": "Finesse",
"throwable": "Thrown",
"magical": "Magical",
"range": "Range",
"throwRange": "Throw Range",
"modal": {
"addWeapon": "Add Weapon",
"editWeapon": "Edit Weapon",
"applyModifier": "Apply Modifier",
"additionalDamage": "Additional Damage",
"attackBonus": "Attack Bonus",
"magicalModifier": "Magical Modifier",
"damage": "Damage",
"normalRange": "Normal Range",
"extendedRange": "Extended Range",
"normalThrowRange": "Normal Throw Range",
"extendedThrowRange": "Extended Throw Range",
"placeholder": "Description of the Weapon"
"spells": {
"header": {
"cost": "Cost",
"name": "Name",
"level": "Level",
"bonus": "Bonus",
"effect": "Effect",
"range": "Range"
"components": {
"verbal": "V",
"somatic": "S",
"material": "M",
"ritual": "R"
"favorite": "Favorite Spells",
"emptyFavorites": "No spells prepared yet.
You can add the in the menu Spells.",
"cantrip": "Cantrip",
"touch": "Touch",
"self": "Self",
"empty": "No spells added yet",
"concentrationAbbr": "C",
"concentration": "Concentration"
"abilities": {
"label": "Abilities",
"empty": "No features added yet",
"uses": "Uses:",
"modal": {
"addAbility": "Add feature",
"editAbility": "Edit feature",
"shortPlaceholder": "Short description of the feature",
"longPlaceholder": "Detailed description of the feature"
"traits": {
"label": "Traits",
"empty": "No traits added yet",
"modal": {
"addTrait": "Add trait",
"editTrait": "Edit trait",
"shortPlaceholder": "Short description of the trait",
"shortHint": "Will be shown in overview",
"longPlaceholder": "Detailed description of the trait",
"longHint": "Will be shown in detail view"
"magic": {
"spellCasting": "Spell Casting",
"ki": "Ki Points",
"spell": "Magic",
"spellslots": "Spell Slots",
"empty": "No spell slots added yet",
"spellcastingAttribute": "Spell Casting Attribute",
"saveAC": "Save DC",
"spellAttackBonus": "Spell Attack Bonus",
"description": "The number of available spell slots per spell level can be adjusted here",
"showSlots": "Show spell slots in overview",
"showKi": "Show ki Points in overview",
"descriptioni": "The number of available ki points can be adjusted here",
"availableKi": "Available ki points",
"emptySpell": "No spell slots added yet",
"emptyKi": "No ki points added yet"
"proficiencies": {
"label": "Proficiencies",
"weapArm": "Weapons and Armor",
"lightArmor": "Light Armor",
"mediumArmor": "Medium Armor",
"heavyArmor": "Heavy Armor",
"shields": "Shields",
"simpleWeapons": "Simple Weapons",
"martialWeapons": "Martial Weapons",
"other": "Other Weapons",
"langAndTools": "Languages and Tools",
"languages": "Languages",
"tools": "Tools",
"modalHeader": "Languages and Tools",
"emptyList": "No entry added"
"navigation": {
"menu": "Menu",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"character": "Character",
"inventory": "Inventory",
"spells": "Spells",
"notes": "Notes",
"spellbook": "Spellbook",
"quests": "Quests",
"npcs": "Persons",
"places": "Places",
"maps": "Maps",
"rules": "Rules",
"settings": "Settings",
"characters": "Characters"
"character": {
"level": "Level",
"experience": "Experience Points",
"general": {
"label": "Genral",
"species": "Species",
"class": "Class",
"gender": "Gender",
"age": "Age",
"height": "Height",
"weight": "Weight",
"eyes": "Eyes",
"skin": "Skin",
"hair": "Hair",
"description": "Description",
"personality": "Personality",
"ideals": "Ideals",
"bonds": "Bonds",
"flaws": "Flaws"
"species": {
"label": "Species"
"class": {
"label": "Class"
"subclass": {
"barbarian": "Pfad",
"bard": "College",
"druid": "Circle",
"monk": "Monastic Tradition",
"fighter": "Archetype",
"ranger": "Conclave",
"cleric": "Domain",
"paladin": "Oath",
"rogue": "Archetype",
"wizard": "Tradition",
"warlock": "Pact",
"sorcerer": "Origin"
"complete": {
"label": "Combined Overview",
"description": "The combined properties and abilities of your class and subclass are displayed here."
"background": {
"label": "Background"
"story": {
"label": "Backstory",
"editStory": "Edit Backstory",
"edit": "Edit"
"inventory": {
"weapArm": "Weapons and Armor",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"food": "Food",
"usable": "Consumables",
"name": "Name",
"weight": "Weight",
"value": "Value",
"quantity": "Quanitty",
"ready": "Ready",
"total": "Total Weight",
"description": "Description",
"modal": {
"edit": "Edit Object",
"add": "Add Object",
"placeholder": "Description of the Object",
"pieces": "Qty."
"spellcards": {
"manage": "Manage Custom Spells",
"cantrips": "Cantrips",
"delete": "Drop here to delete",
"favorites": "Edit Favorites",
"spellbook": "Open Spellbook",
"prepared": "Prepared Spells",
"add": {
"empty": "No spells found",
"class": "Class",
"all": "All",
"search": "Search"
"spellmodal": {
"edit": "Edit Spell",
"add": "Add Spell",
"name": "Name",
"level": "Level",
"school": "School",
"verbal": "Verbal",
"somatic": "Somatic",
"material": "Material",
"concentration": "Concentration",
"canRitual": "Ritual possible",
"isRitual": "Is Ritual",
"damage": "Damage",
"heal": "Healing",
"range": "Range",
"hasRange": "Has Range",
"hasAreaOfEffect": "Has Area of Effect",
"needsSavingThrow": "Needs Saving Throw",
"needsAttackRoll": "Needs Attack Roll",
"cost": "Cost",
"duration": "Duration",
"rounds": "Rounds",
"additionalDamage": "Additional Damage",
"description": "Description",
"placeholder": "Description of the Spell",
"length": "Länge"
"fullSpellcards": {
"duration": "Duration",
"castingTime": "Casting Time",
"attack": "Attack Modifier",
"saveDC": "Spellsave DC",
"modifier": "Modifier",
"school": "School",
"damage": "Damage",
"heal": "Healing",
"description": "Description",
"components": "Components",
"touch": "Touch",
"self": "Self",
"effect": "Effect",
"range": "Range",
"concentration": "Concentration",
"addToPrepared": "Add to prepared Spells",
"removeFromPrepared": "Remove from prepared Spells",
"addToFavorites": "Add to favorites",
"removeFromFavorites": "Remove from favorites",
"copy": "Copy Spell",
"remove": "Remove Spell"
"spellbook": {
"title": "Spellbook",
"levels": {
"0": "Cantrips",
"1": "1st Level",
"2": "2nd Level",
"3": "3rd Level",
"4": "4th Level",
"5": "5th Level",
"6": "6th Level",
"7": "7th Level",
"8": "8th Level",
"9": "9th Level"
"manage": "Manage custom spells",
"empty": "No spells created",
"add": "Create new spell",
"noSpells": "No spells found for this filter",
"delete": "Delete selected spells",
"favorites": {
"levels": {
"0": "Cantrip",
"1": "1st Level",
"2": "2nd Level",
"3": "3rd Level",
"4": "4th Level",
"5": "5th Level",
"6": "6th Level",
"7": "7th Level",
"8": "8th Level",
"9": "9th Level"
"notes": {
"title": "Title",
"noTitle": "No title yet",
"placeholder": "Add notes here",
"save": "Save",
"discard": "Discard",
"sessions": "Sessions",
"unsaved": "Not saved",
"empty": "No entries added yet"
"npcs": {
"characters": "Persons",
"companions": "Companions",
"enemies": "Enemies",
"allies": "Allies",
"others": "Others",
"shortPlaceholder": "Short description",
"longPlaceholder": "Detailed description",
"namePlaceholder": "Name",
"noName": "No Name yet",
"empty": "No persons added yet",
"unsaved": "Not saved",
"save": "Save",
"discard": "Discard",
"long": "Long",
"short": "Short"
"places": {
"title": "Places",
"shortPlaceholder": "Short description",
"longPlaceholder": "Detailed description",
"namePlaceholder": "Name",
"noName": "No Name yet",
"long": "Long",
"short": "Short",
"empty": "No places added yet",
"unsaved": "Not saved",
"save": "Save",
"discard": "Discard"
"creator": {
"new": "Create New Character",
"name": "Name",
"species": "Species",
"class": "Class",
"background": "Background",
"gender": "Gender"
"picker": {
"label": "DND-Tools",
"delete": "Delete Character",
"confirm": "Do you want to permanently delete {{name}}?",
"hint": "The app is still in a development stage and errors may occur",
"issues": "
Please note errors and comments on the Git server in Issues.
", "okay": "Understood", "version": "0.13.3", "test": "Test" } }