Histórico de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
  Warafear 549bca8e18 implemented change language settings and localized weapons in german há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 8c27c75c49 formatted whole project with prettier há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear df8bcef12b fix : Fixed the resizing of rich text editors há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear a5523ae520 implementd modal to manage custom spells. Deletion logic still errorneous há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 7f04e93f35 restyled character general and changed the primary color há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 946b4fa254 reworked dahboard há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 5600469c8a updated details and modals of all dashboard items exept weapon panel há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 728c3cb0bb restyling of details and modals há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear b4f0d10ffe finished styling info row há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear db29a6fb6a implemented helper classes for margins and text-align há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 05dd0cc2c2 added styling to the dashboard há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 4acfda25a7 Minor changes and optical unification há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 6cc314dc94 implemented spellcards with images há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear b56d4a91b7 changed shadows + added level info to calss etc. há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 667f25308c Dashboard made responsive for medium and small screens há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear a0feaa46d8 reworked inventory há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 15f8ab131b outsourced a lot of styles, unified the add buttons for all lists. Started reworking the dashboard há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 12a34f63f0 feat: Reworked inventory, made it full screen, implemented weight and optimized money. há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear a30397077f general fixes há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 565b001e38 Modified the character selection and creation. Next is the personality. há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 4797e627a2 chaarcter overview is fully functional há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear f34204a7f8 Cleaned up and made everything stable há 1 ano atrás
  Warafear 299d325bd2 outsourced the different cards, implemented deletion now working on the add button and full spellcard há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese 6d17ac01b7 Continued working on the spellcards. changed the spellmodal há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese e57b682ea9 built own tabbar há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese 13dec0bbd3 fixed an issue where the modal could not load new data há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese 1e092507a3 added a general modal with service and implemented the inventory há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese 2c3d8c5a68 Implemented own navigation offcanvas há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese 9094ea5347 implemented rudimentary responsivity. há 1 ano atrás
  Christopher Giese 38dbd02169 Whole info-row details finished besides conditions há 1 ano atrás