Histórico de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
  Kolja Strohm a530c30b61 add general fluid blocks and water fluid há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 41a06f9e2e wheat can now only be planted on farmand and satisfy hunger and thirs when eating há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 4e2beb7f09 add api message to request the currently selected item slot from a player há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm ac180ce718 fix block items are not stackable when they are spawned without harvesting it from a block há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 2df497b041 fixed a problem connection to an empty server há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 5a7d42021f add eatable wheat plant há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 6d822962b1 fixed a bug that causes some recipies to be discarded during loading há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 84cb3844ad added farmland and flint hoe há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm af3e39142b spawn grass only on dirt blocks há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm ec29d595c1 add grass on the surface há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm d81abce880 the server can now also exit and save the game while clients are still online há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm bad613fef0 add some usefull outputs há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 6424fa64d5 add console command to shutdown the server without unsaved game data há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 3bb19ec0ac improved live cost when trying to destroy a block that is to hard há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 165d385238 use new gui element to display player status bars há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 68bfee6a33 automatically send new target uiml when uiml was changed during a tick há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 396b447d77 actually tick the blocks that needs to be ticked há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm e72d2995f3 add sand, gravel and dirt deposits underground and improved the performance of cave generation há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 114faa45d1 add shaped noise for rivers há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm f7621e89a5 add noise debugging tool and made rand Noise uniformly distributed há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 87ec3841ea add uiml tooltips describing the currently targeted block há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 42359dc55f introduce block placing cooldown há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 6a8ddf48d6 block items can now be placed again há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 8786ce10bc fix player hand tool usage há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 5f6fe46883 apply new code formatter há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 5b4c4f2119 improvd type system to reduce amount of needed souce code há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm 225a611a68 add tree seablings há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm aa84d01aec do not require an account to play há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm b3ad4aca8c add tree seblings há 2 anos atrás
  Kolja Strohm de23ca92ba add inventory tooltips há 2 anos atrás