#include "Dimension.h" #include "Constants.h" #include "Datei.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "World.h" using namespace Framework; #define MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE CHUNK_SIZE * 8 Dimension::Dimension(int id) : dimensionId(id), chunks(new Trie()), entities(new RCArray()) {} Dimension::~Dimension() { entities->release(); chunks->release(); } void Dimension::getAddrOf(Punkt cPos, char* addr) const { *(int*)addr = cPos.x; *((int*)addr + 1) = cPos.y; } void Dimension::getAddrOfWorld(Punkt wPos, char* addr) const { if (wPos.x < 0) wPos.x -= CHUNK_SIZE; if (wPos.y < 0) // needed because otherwise would (-8, -8) have the same adress as (8, 8) wPos.y -= CHUNK_SIZE; wPos /= CHUNK_SIZE; getAddrOf(wPos, addr); } void Dimension::api(char* message) { switch (message[0]) { case 1: // chunck { int cX = *(int*)(message + 1); int cY = *(int*)(message + 5); Chunk* ch = zChunk(Punkt(cX, cY)); if (ch) ch->api(message + 9); break; } case 2: // entity { int eId = *(int*)(message + 1); Entity* e = zEntity(eId); if (e) e->api(message + 5); break; } case 3: // block { int px = *(int*)(message + 1); int py = *(int*)(message + 5); int pz = *(int*)(message + 9); Block* b = zBlock(Framework::Vec3(px, py, pz)); if (b) b->api(message + 13); break; } } } Chunk* Dimension::zChunk(Punkt wPos) const { char addr[8]; getAddrOfWorld(wPos, addr); return chunks->z(addr, 8); } Block* Dimension::zBlock(Vec3 location) { Chunk* c = zChunk(currentGame->getChunkCenter(location.x, location.y)); if (c) return c->zBlockAt(location); return 0; } Block* Dimension::getBlock(Vec3 location) { cs.lock(); Chunk* c = zChunk(currentGame->getChunkCenter(location.x, location.y)); if (c) { Block* b = c->zBlockAt(location); b = b ? dynamic_cast(b->getThis()) : 0; cs.unlock(); return b; } cs.unlock(); return 0; } void Dimension::addEntity(Entity* entity) { entities->add(entity); } void Dimension::setChunk(Chunk* chunk, Punkt center, World* zWorld) { char addr[8]; getAddrOfWorld(center, addr); Chunk* old = chunks->z(addr, 8); cs.lock(); if (old) { zWorld->setVisibility(old, 0); int index = 0; for (auto iterator = chunkList.begin(); iterator; ++iterator, ++index) { if ((Chunk*)iterator == old) { if (chunk) iterator.set(chunk); else chunkList.remove(index); break; } } } else if (chunk) chunkList.add(chunk); chunks->set(addr, 8, chunk); if (chunk) { zWorld->setVisibility(chunk, 1); } cs.unlock(); } int Dimension::getDimensionId() const { return dimensionId; } bool Dimension::hasChunck(int x, int y) const { return zChunk(Punkt(x, y)); } void Dimension::removeDistantChunks(Punkt wPos, World* zWorld) { Array removed; int index = 0; for (Chunk* chunk : chunkList) { if ((chunk->getCenter() - wPos).getLength() > MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE) removed.add(index, 0); index++; } for (int i : removed) { Chunk* chunk = chunkList.get(i); zWorld->setVisibility(chunk, 0); setChunk(0, chunk->getCenter(), zWorld); } } void Dimension::setBlock(Block* block) { cs.lock(); Chunk* c = zChunk(currentGame->getChunkCenter((int)floor(block->getPos().x), (int)floor(block->getPos().y))); if (c) c->setBlock(block); else block->release(); cs.unlock(); } void Dimension::removeBlock(Block* zBlock) { cs.lock(); Chunk* c = zChunk(currentGame->getChunkCenter((int)floor(zBlock->getPos().x), (int)floor(zBlock->getPos().y))); if (c) c->removeBlock(zBlock); cs.unlock(); } Entity* Dimension::zEntity(int id) { cs.lock(); for (Entity* e : *entities) { if (e->getId() == id) { cs.unlock(); return e; } } cs.unlock(); return 0; } Entity* Dimension::getEntity(int id) { cs.lock(); for (Entity* e : *entities) { if (e->getId() == id) { Entity* result = dynamic_cast(e->getThis()); cs.unlock(); return result; } } cs.unlock(); return 0; } void Dimension::removeEntity(int id) { currentGame->lockWorld(); cs.lock(); int index = 0; for (Entity* e : *entities) { if (e->getId() == id) { currentGame->setVisibility(e, 0); entities->remove(index); cs.unlock(); currentGame->unlockWorld(); return; } index++; } cs.unlock(); currentGame->unlockWorld(); }