@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+#include "ChatOptions.h"
+#include <DateiSystem.h>
+#include "Globals.h"
+#include "Initialisierung.h"
+ : Fenster()
+ setStyle(
+ Fenster::Style::Erlaubt | Fenster::Style::Rahmen
+ | Fenster::Style::BodyHAlpha | Fenster::Style::Titel
+ | Fenster::Style::TitelHAlpha | Fenster::Style::Closable
+ | Fenster::Style::ClosingHAlpha | Fenster::Style::ClosingKlickBuffer
+ | Fenster::Style::TitelHintergrund | Fenster::Style::BodyHintergrund
+ | Fenster::Style::ClosingHintergrund | Fenster::Style::MEIgnoreInside
+ | Fenster::Style::Beweglich);
+ removeStyle(Fenster::Style::Sichtbar);
+ setTitel("Chat options");
+ setClosingMe([this](void* p, void* o, Framework::MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == Framework::ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ removeStyle(Fenster::Style::Sichtbar);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ setSize(262, 367);
+ setPosition(5, uiFactory.initParam.bildschirm->getBackBufferSize().y - 680);
+ setMausEreignis(Framework::_ret1ME);
+ setTastaturEreignis(Framework::_ret1TE);
+ setRBreite(1);
+ setRFarbe(0xFF52525E);
+ setKBgFarbe(0xA0000000);
+ setTBgFarbe(0xA0000000);
+ setSBgFarbe(0xA0000000);
+ setTSchriftZ(
+ dynamic_cast<Schrift*>(uiFactory.initParam.schrift->getThis()));
+ zTTextFeld()->setSize(0, 20);
+ zTTextFeld()->addStyle(TextFeld::Style::Center);
+ infoChannel = initKontrollKnopf(5,
+ 5,
+ 250,
+ 20,
+ Framework::KontrollKnopf::Style::Normal
+ & ~Framework::KontrollKnopf::Style::Rahmen,
+ "Show info messages");
+ infoChannel->setNMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ char msg[13];
+ msg[0]
+ = infoChannel->hatStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected) ? 1 : 2;
+ msg[1] = 11;
+ memcpy(msg + 2, "system:INFO", 11);
+ World::INSTANCE->zClient()->chatAPIRequest(msg, 13);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ addMember(infoChannel);
+ warningChannel = initKontrollKnopf(5,
+ 30,
+ 250,
+ 20,
+ Framework::KontrollKnopf::Style::Normal
+ & ~Framework::KontrollKnopf::Style::Rahmen,
+ "Show warning messages");
+ warningChannel->setNMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ char msg[16];
+ msg[0] = warningChannel->hatStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected)
+ ? 1
+ : 2;
+ msg[1] = 14;
+ memcpy(msg + 2, "system:WARNING", 14);
+ World::INSTANCE->zClient()->chatAPIRequest(msg, 16);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ addMember(warningChannel);
+ errorChannel = initKontrollKnopf(5,
+ 55,
+ 250,
+ 20,
+ Framework::KontrollKnopf::Style::Normal
+ & ~Framework::KontrollKnopf::Style::Rahmen,
+ "Show error messages");
+ errorChannel->setNMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ char msg[14];
+ msg[0] = errorChannel->hatStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected) ? 1
+ : 2;
+ msg[1] = 12;
+ memcpy(msg + 2, "system:ERROR", 12);
+ World::INSTANCE->zClient()->chatAPIRequest(msg, 14);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ addMember(errorChannel);
+ TextFeld* blackListLabel = initTextFeld(5,
+ 90,
+ 250,
+ 20,
+ Framework::TextFeld::Style::Text | Framework::TextFeld::Style::VCenter,
+ "Ignored players:");
+ addMember(blackListLabel);
+ LTDBDatei dat;
+ dat.setDatei(new Text("data/bilder/gui_icons.ltdb"));
+ dat.leseDaten(0);
+ plus = dat.laden(0, new Text("plus.png"));
+ trash = dat.laden(0, new Text("trash.png"));
+ playerName = initTextFeld(
+ 5, 115, 225, 20, Framework::TextFeld::Style::TextFeld, "");
+ playerName->setTastaturEreignis(
+ [this](void* o, void* p, TastaturEreignis te) {
+ if (te.id == TE_Release && te.virtualKey == T_Enter)
+ {
+ if (playerName->zText()->getLength())
+ {
+ addIgnoredPlayer(playerName->zText()->getText(), 1);
+ playerName->setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ addMember(playerName);
+ addButton = initKnopf(235,
+ 115,
+ 20,
+ 20,
+ Framework::Knopf::Style::HBild | Framework::Knopf::Style::HAlpha
+ | Framework::Knopf::Style::Hintergrund,
+ "");
+ addButton->setAlphaFeldFarbe(0x5F337AB7);
+ addButton->setToolTipText("Add player to list of ignored players",
+ uiFactory.initParam.bildschirm,
+ uiFactory.initParam.schrift);
+ addButton->setHintergrundBildZ(dynamic_cast<Bild*>(plus->getThis()));
+ addButton->setMausEreignis([this](void* o, void* p, MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ if (playerName->zText()->getLength())
+ {
+ addIgnoredPlayer(playerName->zText()->getText(), 1);
+ playerName->setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ addMember(addButton);
+ blackList = initObjTabelle(5,
+ 140,
+ 250,
+ 200,
+ Framework::ObjTabelle::Style::normal
+ | Framework::ObjTabelle::Style::VScroll,
+ {
+ {"Player", 212, 212, 212},
+ {"Remove", 20, 20, 20 }
+ },
+ 0);
+ addMember(blackList);
+ if (plus) plus->release();
+ if (trash) trash->release();
+void ChatOptions::init(char* data)
+ infoChannel->removeStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected);
+ warningChannel->removeStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected);
+ errorChannel->removeStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected);
+ int len = *(int*)data;
+ data += 4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ char len = *(data++);
+ data += len;
+ if (len == 11)
+ {
+ infoChannel->addStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected);
+ }
+ if (len == 12)
+ {
+ errorChannel->addStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected);
+ }
+ if (len == 14)
+ {
+ warningChannel->addStyle(KontrollKnopf::Style::Selected);
+ }
+ }
+ uiFactory.initParam.bildschirm->postAction([this]() {
+ while (blackList->getZeilenAnzahl())
+ {
+ blackList->removeZeile(0);
+ }
+ });
+ len = *(int*)data;
+ data += 4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ char len = *(data++);
+ char* name = new char[len + 1];
+ memcpy(name, data, len);
+ name[len] = 0;
+ data += len;
+ addIgnoredPlayer(name, 0);
+ delete[] name;
+ }
+void ChatOptions::addIgnoredPlayer(Framework::Text playerName, bool msg)
+ if (blackList->getZeilenNummer(playerName) >= 0) return;
+ if (msg)
+ {
+ char* msg = new char[2 + playerName.getLength()];
+ msg[0] = 3;
+ msg[1] = (char)playerName.getLength();
+ memcpy(msg + 2, playerName, playerName.getLength());
+ World::INSTANCE->zClient()->chatAPIRequest(
+ msg, 2 + playerName.getLength());
+ delete[] msg;
+ }
+ uiFactory.initParam.bildschirm->postAction([this, playerName]() {
+ if (blackList->getZeilenNummer(playerName) >= 0) return;
+ blackList->addZeile(playerName);
+ blackList->setZeichnungZ("Player",
+ playerName,
+ initTextFeld(0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ TextFeld::Style::Text | TextFeld::Style::VCenter,
+ playerName.getText()));
+ Knopf* removeButton = initKnopf(0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ Framework::Knopf::Style::HBild | Framework::Knopf::Style::HAlpha
+ | Framework::Knopf::Style::Hintergrund,
+ "");
+ removeButton->removeStyle(Knopf::Style::Rahmen);
+ removeButton->setAlphaFeldFarbe(0x5F337AB7);
+ removeButton->setToolTipText(
+ "Remove player from list of ignored players",
+ uiFactory.initParam.bildschirm,
+ uiFactory.initParam.schrift);
+ removeButton->setHintergrundBildZ(
+ dynamic_cast<Bild*>(trash->getThis()));
+ removeButton->setMausEreignis(
+ [this, playerName](void* o, void* p, MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ uiFactory.initParam.bildschirm->postAction(
+ [this, playerName]() {
+ char* msg = new char[2 + playerName.getLength()];
+ msg[0] = 4;
+ msg[1] = (char)playerName.getLength();
+ memcpy(msg + 2, playerName, playerName.getLength());
+ World::INSTANCE->zClient()->chatAPIRequest(
+ msg, 2 + playerName.getLength());
+ delete[] msg;
+ blackList->removeZeile(playerName);
+ });
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ blackList->setZeichnungZ("Remove", playerName, removeButton);
+ });