@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-#include <AsynchronCall.h>
-#include <Datei.h>
-#include <Array.h>
-#include <DateiSystem.h>
-#include <Text.h>
-#include <Textur.h>
-#include <GraphicsApi.h>
-#include <M3Datei.h>
-#include "Load.h"
-#include "Initialisierung.h"
-#include "Globals.h"
-#include "ServerSelection.h"
-void createDefaultCube(Bildschirm* zScreen)
- Model3DData* data = zScreen->zGraphicsApi()->createModel("cube");
- data->setAmbientFactor(0.f);
- data->setDiffusFactor(1.f);
- data->setSpecularFactor(0.f);
- float size = 1;
- float left, right, top, bottom;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the left side of the bitmap.
- left = (float)((-size / 2.0));
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the right side of the bitmap.
- right = left + (float)size;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the top of the bitmap.
- top = (float)(size / 2.0);
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the bottom of the bitmap.
- bottom = top - (float)size;
- float front = -size / 2;
- float back = front + size;
- Vertex3D* vertecies = new Vertex3D[24];
- for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
- vertecies[i].knochenId = 0;
- // front side
- vertecies[0].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, top);
- vertecies[0].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[1].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, top);
- vertecies[1].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[2].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, bottom);
- vertecies[2].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[3].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, bottom);
- vertecies[3].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- // back side
- vertecies[4].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, top);
- vertecies[4].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[5].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, top);
- vertecies[5].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[6].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, bottom);
- vertecies[6].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[7].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, bottom);
- vertecies[7].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- // left side
- vertecies[8].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, top);
- vertecies[8].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[9].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, top);
- vertecies[9].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[10].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, bottom);
- vertecies[10].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[11].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, bottom);
- vertecies[11].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- // right side
- vertecies[12].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, top);
- vertecies[12].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[13].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, top);
- vertecies[13].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[14].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, bottom);
- vertecies[14].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[15].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, bottom);
- vertecies[15].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- // top side
- vertecies[16].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, top);
- vertecies[16].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[17].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, top);
- vertecies[17].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[18].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, top);
- vertecies[18].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[19].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, top);
- vertecies[19].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- // botom side
- vertecies[20].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, bottom);
- vertecies[20].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[21].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, bottom);
- vertecies[21].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[22].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, bottom);
- vertecies[22].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[23].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, bottom);
- vertecies[23].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- data->setVertecies(vertecies, 24);
- // the order of the polygons has to be NORTH (front), EAST (left), SOUTH (back), WEST (right), TOP, BOTTOM according to the Area definition
- // front side
- Polygon3D* p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0;
- p->indexList[1] = 2;
- p->indexList[2] = 1;
- p->indexList[3] = 1;
- p->indexList[4] = 2;
- p->indexList[5] = 3;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // left side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 8;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 8;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 8;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 8;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 8;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 8;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // back side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 4;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 4;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 4;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 4;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 4;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 4;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // right side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 12;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 12;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 12;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 12;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 12;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 12;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // top side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 16;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 16;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 16;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 16;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 16;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 16;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // botom side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 20;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 20;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 20;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 20;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 20;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 20;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- data->calculateNormals();
- data->release();
-void createCubeItem(Bildschirm* zScreen)
- Framework::Model3DData* data = window->zBildschirm()->zGraphicsApi()->createModel("itemCube");
- data->setAmbientFactor(0.8f);
- data->setDiffusFactor(0.1f);
- data->setSpecularFactor(0.1f);
- float size = 0.2f;
- float left, right, top, bottom;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the left side of the bitmap.
- left = (float)((-size / 2.0));
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the right side of the bitmap.
- right = left + (float)size;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the top of the bitmap.
- top = (float)(size / 2.0);
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the bottom of the bitmap.
- bottom = top - (float)size;
- float front = -size / 2;
- float back = front + size;
- Vertex3D* vertecies = new Vertex3D[24];
- for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
- vertecies[i].knochenId = 0;
- // front side
- vertecies[0].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, top);
- vertecies[0].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[1].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, top);
- vertecies[1].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[2].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, bottom);
- vertecies[2].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[3].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, bottom);
- vertecies[3].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- // back side
- vertecies[4].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, top);
- vertecies[4].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[5].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, top);
- vertecies[5].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[6].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, bottom);
- vertecies[6].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[7].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, bottom);
- vertecies[7].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- // left side
- vertecies[8].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, top);
- vertecies[8].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[9].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, top);
- vertecies[9].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[10].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, bottom);
- vertecies[10].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[11].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, bottom);
- vertecies[11].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- // right side
- vertecies[12].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, top);
- vertecies[12].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[13].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, top);
- vertecies[13].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[14].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, bottom);
- vertecies[14].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[15].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, bottom);
- vertecies[15].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- // top side
- vertecies[16].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, top);
- vertecies[16].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[17].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, top);
- vertecies[17].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[18].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, top);
- vertecies[18].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[19].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, top);
- vertecies[19].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- // botom side
- vertecies[20].pos = Vec3<float >(left, front, bottom);
- vertecies[20].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[21].pos = Vec3<float >(right, front, bottom);
- vertecies[21].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[22].pos = Vec3<float >(left, back, bottom);
- vertecies[22].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[23].pos = Vec3<float >(right, back, bottom);
- vertecies[23].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- data->setVertecies(vertecies, 24);
- // the order of the polygons has to be NORTH (front), EAST (left), SOUTH (back), WEST (right), TOP, BOTTOM according to the Area definition
- // front side
- Polygon3D* p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0;
- p->indexList[1] = 2;
- p->indexList[2] = 1;
- p->indexList[3] = 1;
- p->indexList[4] = 2;
- p->indexList[5] = 3;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // left side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 8;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 8;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 8;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 8;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 8;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 8;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // back side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 4;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 4;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 4;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 4;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 4;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 4;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // right side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 12;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 12;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 12;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 12;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 12;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 12;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // top side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 16;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 16;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 16;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 16;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 16;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 16;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // botom side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 20;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 20;
- p->indexList[2] = 1 + 20;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 20;
- p->indexList[4] = 2 + 20;
- p->indexList[5] = 3 + 20;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- data->calculateNormals();
- data->release();
-void createPlayer(Bildschirm* zScreen)
- Framework::Model3DData* data = window->zBildschirm()->zGraphicsApi()->createModel("player");
- data->setAmbientFactor(0.8f);
- data->setDiffusFactor(0.1f);
- data->setSpecularFactor(0.1f);
- float size = 0.8f;
- float left, right, top, bottom;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the left side of the bitmap.
- left = (float)((size / 2.0) * -1);
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the right side of the bitmap.
- right = left + (float)size;
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the top of the bitmap.
- top = (float)(size / 2.0);
- // Calculate the screen coordinates of the bottom of the bitmap.
- bottom = top - (float)size;
- float front = -1.5f / 2;
- float back = front + 1.5f;
- Vertex3D* vertecies = new Vertex3D[24];
- for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
- vertecies[i].knochenId = 0;
- vertecies[0].pos = Vec3<float >(left, top, front);
- vertecies[0].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[1].pos = Vec3<float >(right, top, front);
- vertecies[1].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[2].pos = Vec3<float >(left, bottom, front);
- vertecies[2].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[3].pos = Vec3<float >(right, bottom, front);
- vertecies[3].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[4].pos = Vec3<float >(left, top, back);
- vertecies[4].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[5].pos = Vec3<float >(right, top, back);
- vertecies[5].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[6].pos = Vec3<float >(left, bottom, back);
- vertecies[6].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[7].pos = Vec3<float >(right, bottom, back);
- vertecies[7].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[8].pos = Vec3<float >(left, top, front);
- vertecies[8].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[9].pos = Vec3<float >(right, top, front);
- vertecies[9].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[10].pos = Vec3<float >(left, bottom, front);
- vertecies[10].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[11].pos = Vec3<float >(right, bottom, front);
- vertecies[11].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[12].pos = Vec3<float >(left, top, back);
- vertecies[12].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[13].pos = Vec3<float >(right, top, back);
- vertecies[13].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[14].pos = Vec3<float >(left, bottom, back);
- vertecies[14].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[15].pos = Vec3<float >(right, bottom, back);
- vertecies[15].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[16].pos = Vec3<float >(left, top, front);
- vertecies[16].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[17].pos = Vec3<float >(right, top, front);
- vertecies[17].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 1.f);
- vertecies[18].pos = Vec3<float >(left, bottom, front);
- vertecies[18].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[19].pos = Vec3<float >(right, bottom, front);
- vertecies[19].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.f, 0.f);
- vertecies[20].pos = Vec3<float >(left, top, back);
- vertecies[20].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[21].pos = Vec3<float >(right, top, back);
- vertecies[21].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 0.0f);
- vertecies[22].pos = Vec3<float >(left, bottom, back);
- vertecies[22].tPos = Vec2< float >(0.0f, 1.0f);
- vertecies[23].pos = Vec3<float >(right, bottom, back);
- vertecies[23].tPos = Vec2< float >(1.0f, 1.0f);
- data->setVertecies(vertecies, 24);
- // the order of the polygons has to be NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, TOP, BOTTOM according to the Area definition
- // down side
- Polygon3D* p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 6 + 16;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 16;
- p->indexList[2] = 3 + 16;
- p->indexList[3] = 6 + 16;
- p->indexList[4] = 3 + 16;
- p->indexList[5] = 7 + 16;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // right side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 1 + 8;
- p->indexList[1] = 7 + 8;
- p->indexList[2] = 3 + 8;
- p->indexList[3] = 1 + 8;
- p->indexList[4] = 5 + 8;
- p->indexList[5] = 7 + 8;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // top side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 4 + 16;
- p->indexList[1] = 1 + 16;
- p->indexList[2] = 0 + 16;
- p->indexList[3] = 4 + 16;
- p->indexList[4] = 5 + 16;
- p->indexList[5] = 1 + 16;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // left side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0 + 8;
- p->indexList[1] = 2 + 8;
- p->indexList[2] = 6 + 8;
- p->indexList[3] = 0 + 8;
- p->indexList[4] = 6 + 8;
- p->indexList[5] = 4 + 8;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // back side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 4;
- p->indexList[1] = 6;
- p->indexList[2] = 7;
- p->indexList[3] = 4;
- p->indexList[4] = 7;
- p->indexList[5] = 5;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- // front side
- p = new Polygon3D();
- p->indexAnz = 6;
- p->indexList = new int[p->indexAnz];
- p->indexList[0] = 0;
- p->indexList[1] = 3;
- p->indexList[2] = 2;
- p->indexList[3] = 0;
- p->indexList[4] = 1;
- p->indexList[5] = 3;
- data->addPolygon(p);
- data->calculateNormals();
- data->release();
-void createModels(Bildschirm* zScreen)
- createDefaultCube(zScreen);
- createCubeItem(zScreen);
- createPlayer(zScreen);
-LoadMenu::LoadMenu(Bildschirm* zScreen)
- : Menu(zScreen)
- Punkt center = zScreen->getBackBufferSize() / 2;
- step = initFBalken(center.x - 100, center.y + 25, 200, 30, FBalken::Style::normal);
- stage = initFBalken(center.x - 100, center.y - 15, 200, 30, FBalken::Style::normal);
- all = initFBalken(center.x - 100, center.y - 55, 200, 30, FBalken::Style::normal);
- elements.add(step);
- elements.add(stage);
- elements.add(all);
- new AsynchronCall("Load Menu", [this, zScreen]()
- {
- Sleep(1000);
- all->setAktionAnzahl(2);
- all->reset();
- // loading textures
- Datei texturF;
- texturF.setDatei("data/textures");
- RCArray<Text>* files = texturF.getDateiListe();
- if (files)
- {
- int count = 0;
- for (Text* fileName : *files)
- {
- LTDBDatei dat;
- dat.setDatei(new Text(Text("data/textures/") + *fileName));
- dat.leseDaten(0);
- count += dat.getBildAnzahl();
- }
- stage->setAktionAnzahl(count);
- stage->reset();
- for (Text* fileName : *files)
- {
- LTDBDatei dat;
- dat.setDatei(new Text(Text("data/textures/") + *fileName));
- dat.leseDaten(0);
- for (Text* name : *dat.zBildListe())
- {
- step->reset();
- Bild* b = dat.laden(step, new Text(*name));
- zScreen->zGraphicsApi()->createOrGetTextur(*fileName + "/" + *name, b)->release();
- stage->aktionPlus();
- }
- }
- files->release();
- }
- all->aktionPlus();
- // loading models
- stage->setAktionAnzahl(1);
- Datei modelF;
- modelF.setDatei("data/models");
- files = modelF.getDateiListe();
- if (files)
- {
- int count = 0;
- for (Text* fileName : *files)
- {
- M3Datei dat(Text("data/models/") + *fileName);
- dat.leseDaten();
- count += dat.getModelAnzahl();
- }
- stage->setAktionAnzahl(count + 1);
- stage->reset();
- for (Text* fileName : *files)
- {
- M3Datei dat(Text("data/models/") + *fileName);
- dat.leseDaten();
- for (int i = 0; i < dat.getModelAnzahl(); i++)
- {
- step->reset();
- Model3DData* d = dat.ladeModel(dat.zModelName(i)->getText(), zScreen->zGraphicsApi(), *fileName + "/" + *dat.zModelName(i));
- d->release();
- stage->aktionPlus();
- }
- }
- files->release();
- }
- createModels(zScreen);
- stage->aktionPlus();
- all->aktionPlus();
- stage->reset();
- zScreen->lock();
- hide();
- menuRegister->get("serverSelection")->show();
- zScreen->unlock();
- });