@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#include "Dimension.h"
+#include "Constants.h"
+#include "Datei.h"
+#include "Game.h"
+#include "Globals.h"
+using namespace Framework;
+Dimension::Dimension( int id )
+ : dimensionId( id ),
+ chunks( new Trie<Chunk>() ),
+ entities( new RCArray<Entity>() )
+ entities->release();
+ chunks->release();
+void Dimension::updateVisibility()
+ bool changed = true;
+ while( changed )
+ {
+ changed = false;
+ for( auto chunk : chunkList )
+ {
+ if( chunk )
+ changed |= chunk->updateVisibility();
+ }
+ }
+void Dimension::getAddrOf( Punkt cPos, char* addr ) const
+ *(int*)addr = cPos.x;
+ *((int*)addr + 1) = cPos.y;
+void Dimension::getAddrOfWorld( Punkt wPos, char* addr ) const
+ if( wPos.x < 0 )
+ wPos.x -= CHUNK_SIZE;
+ if( wPos.y < 0 ) // needed because otherwise would (-8, -8) have the same adress as (8, 8)
+ wPos.y -= CHUNK_SIZE;
+ wPos /= CHUNK_SIZE;
+ getAddrOf( wPos, addr );
+Chunk* Dimension::zChunk( Punkt wPos ) const
+ char addr[ 8 ];
+ getAddrOfWorld( wPos, addr );
+ return chunks->z( addr, 8 );
+Framework::Either<Block*, int> Dimension::zBlock( Vec3<int> location )
+ Chunk* c = zChunk( currentGame->getChunkCenter( location.x, location.y ) );
+ if( c )
+ {
+ int x = location.x % CHUNK_SIZE;
+ int y = location.y % CHUNK_SIZE;
+ if( x < 0 )
+ x += CHUNK_SIZE;
+ if( y < 0 )
+ y += CHUNK_SIZE;
+ return c->zBlockAt( Vec3<int>( x, y, location.z ) );
+ }
+ return 0;
+void Dimension::addEntity( Entity* entity )
+ entities->add( entity );
+void Dimension::addChunk( Chunk* chunk )
+ char addr[ 8 ];
+ getAddrOfWorld( chunk->getCenter(), addr );
+ chunks->set( addr, 8, chunk );
+ chunkList.add( chunk );
+ getAddrOfWorld( chunk->getCenter() + Punkt( CHUNK_SIZE, 0 ), addr );
+ Chunk* zChunk = chunks->z( addr, 8 );
+ if( zChunk )
+ {
+ zChunk->setNeighbor( WEST, chunk );
+ chunk->setNeighbor( EAST, chunk );
+ }
+ getAddrOfWorld( chunk->getCenter() + Punkt( -CHUNK_SIZE, 0 ), addr );
+ zChunk = chunks->z( addr, 8 );
+ if( zChunk )
+ {
+ zChunk->setNeighbor( EAST, chunk );
+ chunk->setNeighbor( WEST, chunk );
+ }
+ getAddrOfWorld( chunk->getCenter() + Punkt( 0, CHUNK_SIZE ), addr );
+ zChunk = chunks->z( addr, 8 );
+ if( zChunk )
+ {
+ zChunk->setNeighbor( NORTH, chunk );
+ chunk->setNeighbor( SOUTH, chunk );
+ }
+ getAddrOfWorld( chunk->getCenter() + Punkt( 0, -CHUNK_SIZE ), addr );
+ zChunk = chunks->z( addr, 8 );
+ if( zChunk )
+ {
+ zChunk->setNeighbor( SOUTH, chunk );
+ chunk->setNeighbor( NORTH, chunk );
+ }
+int Dimension::getDimensionId() const
+ return dimensionId;
+bool Dimension::hasChunck( int x, int y ) const
+ return zChunk( Punkt( x, y ) );