4progress.tex 3.4 KB

  1. The following features are either planned (\planned), under construction (\progress) or done (\done):
  2. \begin{itemize}
  3. \item[\done] Reading a graph from an input file as described in section~\ref{sec:inputFileFormat}.
  4. \item[\done] Creating random graphs for testing purposes.
  5. \begin{itemize}
  6. \item[\done] Saving those randomly created graphs.
  7. \end{itemize}
  8. \item[\done] Drawing a graph with specified node sizes and positions.
  9. \item[\done] Running the node placement algorithm by Brandes and Köpf~\cite{brandes_fast_2001}.
  10. \begin{itemize}
  11. \item[\done] Calculating the conflicts between edges.
  12. \begin{itemize}
  13. \item[\done] Differentiating between dummy nodes and non-dummy nodes.
  14. \end{itemize}
  15. \item[\done] Calculating the blocks.
  16. \item[\done] Compacting the layout.
  17. \item[\done] Combining the layouts.
  18. \end{itemize}
  19. \item[\done] Illustrating the progress while the algorithm is running in the form of
  20. \begin{itemize}
  21. \item[\done] Drawing the nodes at their current position.
  22. \item[\done] Drawing the nodes in the color of their blocks.
  23. \item[\done] Drawing a colored circle to show the class assignments.
  24. \item[\done] Drawing the edges just as plain straight lines.
  25. \item[\done] Drawing the conflicted edges in a different color.
  26. \item[\done] Drawing dummy nodes differently from other nodes.
  27. \item[\done] Drawing the four extremal layouts and the combined layout separately.
  28. \begin{itemize}
  29. \item[\done] Optionally, drawing the only the extremal layout the algorithm is currently working on.
  30. \end{itemize}
  31. \item[\planned] Drawing the edges of the block graph (yet another color, low priority).
  32. \item[\done] Showing pseudocode and the position where the algorithm currently is.
  33. \begin{itemize}
  34. \item[\done] Clicking on the pseudocode to set a breakpoint at (not \reserved{goto}) a specific location.
  35. \end{itemize}
  36. \item[\planned] Add a legend to explain the shapes and colors.
  37. \end{itemize}
  38. \item[\done] Running the algorithm step by step manually.
  39. \item[\done] Running the algorithm step by step with configurable delay (\enquote{automatic execution}).
  40. \item[\done] Running the algorithm only on the unfolded parts of the source code (\enquote{step overrun}).
  41. \item[\done] Using debugger-like commands such as \enquote{step into}, \enquote{step over}, \enquote{step out}.
  42. \item[\done] Adding buttons and other graphical elements to support the user interface (low priority, see figure~\ref{fig:sketch}).
  43. Currently there is only keyboard input (cf.\ section~\ref{sec:userInterface}).
  44. \begin{itemize}
  45. \item[\done] Displaying the buttons.
  46. \item[\done] Making all the buttons work.
  47. \end{itemize}
  48. \item[\done] Working with hierarchical graphs.
  49. \item[\done] Scaling the display with the (adjustable) window size.
  50. \item[\planned] Working with disconnected graphs (cf.\ section~\ref{sec:assumptions}), either by modifying the algorithm or by processing the connected components one by one (low priority).
  51. \item[\done] Creating ElkNode~\cite{noauthor_elk:_2018} objects from LayeredNode (\ref{sec:graph}) objects.
  52. \item[\planned] Creating LayeredNode (\ref{sec:graph}) objects from ElkNode~\cite{noauthor_elk:_2018} objects (low priority).
  53. \end{itemize}