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improve table layout and stuff

Eren Yilmaz 6 роки тому
3 змінених файлів з 111 додано та 97 видалено
  1. 77 70
  2. 30 23
  3. 4 4

+ 77 - 70

@@ -51,44 +51,47 @@ Advantages of this architecture include:
 \section{System Requirements and Software Dependencies}\label{sec:systemRequirements}
 \section{System Requirements and Software Dependencies}\label{sec:systemRequirements}
-\begin{longtable}{l l p{6cm}}
-    \rowcolor{gray!50}
-    \textbf{Requirement} & \textbf{Minimum} & \textbf{Recommended} \\
-    Free disk space & 150MB & 150MB \\
-    \rowcolor{gray!25}
-    Free RAM & 300MB (single window) & More for multiple windows/graphs \\
-    \rowcolor{gray!25}
-    & & At least 2 GB for running the automatic tests. \\
-    Display & $1024 \times 768$ resolution & $1920 \times 1080$ resolution \\
-    \rowcolor{gray!25}
-    CPU & capable of running java applications & faster is better \\
-    GPU & capable of 2D rendering & rendering in $1920 \times 1080$ resolution\\
-    \rowcolor{gray!25}
-    Internet connection & not any & not any\\
-    \\
-    \caption{System Requirements}
-    \label{table:systemRequirements}
-\begin{longtable}{l p{1cm} p{6cm}}
-    \rowcolor{gray!50}
-    \textbf{Dependency} && \textbf{Version} \\
-    Java && $\geq8$ \\
-    \rowcolor{gray!25}
-    JSON-java~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} && \\
-    Eclipse Layout Kernel~\cite{noauthor_elk:_2018} && \\
-    \\
+The software \appname relies on is listed in table~\ref{table:softwareDependencies}.
+The requirements to any system running \appname are demanded in table~\ref{table:systemRequirements}.
+    \centering
+    \small
+    \begin{tabular}{l p{1cm} p{6cm}}
+        \rowcolor{gray!50}
+        \textbf{Dependency} && \textbf{Version} \\
+        Java && $\geq8$ \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        JSON-java~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} && \\
+        Eclipse Layout Kernel~\cite{noauthor_elk:_2018} && \\
+        \\
+    \end{tabular}
     \caption[Software Dependencies]{Software Dependencies. If no version is given, all should work and the latest is recommended.}
     \caption[Software Dependencies]{Software Dependencies. If no version is given, all should work and the latest is recommended.}
+    \centering
+    \small
+    \begin{tabular}{l l p{6cm}}
+        \rowcolor{gray!50}
+        \textbf{Requirement} & \textbf{Minimum} & \textbf{Recommended} \\
+        Free disk space & 150MB & 150MB \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Free RAM & 300MB (single window) & More for multiple windows/graphs \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        & & At least 2 GB for running the automatic tests. \\
+        Display & $1024 \times 768$ resolution & $1920 \times 1080$ resolution \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        CPU & capable of running java applications & faster is better \\
+        GPU & capable of 2D rendering & rendering in $1920 \times 1080$ resolution\\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Internet connection & not any & not any\\
+        \\
+    \end{tabular}
+    \caption{System Requirements}
+    \label{table:systemRequirements}
 \section{Input File Format}\label{sec:inputFileFormat}
 \section{Input File Format}\label{sec:inputFileFormat}
 The input to \appname\ is a JSON file.
 The input to \appname\ is a JSON file.
@@ -105,51 +108,55 @@ For parsing the JSON file the JSON-java library~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} is
 The classes for reading and writing those JSON files are displayed in figure~\ref{fig:io}.
 The classes for reading and writing those JSON files are displayed in figure~\ref{fig:io}.
 The internal representation of graphs is further explained in the section~\ref{sec:graph}.
 The internal representation of graphs is further explained in the section~\ref{sec:graph}.
-    \hline
-    Attribute & Type & Optional & Explanation \\\hline\hline
-    name & string & yes & If not omitted, this must be unique for a given parent node. \\\hline
-    width & integer & yes & The minimum width of the node.
-    The node can be wider if it contains other nodes that need more space.
-    If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum width can be exceeded after the shrinking.
-    Default 40.\\\hline
-    height & integer & yes & The minimum height of the node.
-    The node can be higher if it contains other nodes that need more space.
-    If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum height can be exceeded after the shrinking.
-    Default 40.\\\hline
-    dummy & boolean & yes & Iff this is explicitly set to true, then the node is a dummy node. This attribute is necessary, because we expect previous stages to have eliminated multilayer edges, see section~\ref{sec:assumptions}. \\\hline
-    layers & < < node > > & yes & The layers of nodes inside this node (Hierarchy). \\\hline
-    edges & < edge > & yes & The edges between nodes whose parent node is this node. \\\hline
-    \caption[Node Attributes]{Node Attributes. < \emph{element type} > is a list.}
-    \label{table:node-attributes}
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 26cm 0 0,clip]{img/io.pdf}
-    \caption[Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package]{Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
-    \label{fig:io}
-    \begin{longtable}{|l|l|l|p{8.5cm}|}
-        \hline
-        Attribute & Type & Optional & Explanation \\\hline\hline
+    \begin{tabular}{l l l p{8.5cm}}
+        \rowcolor{gray!50}
+        \textbf{Attribute} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Optional} & \textbf{Explanation} \\
         source & string & no & The name of the source of this edge.
         source & string & no & The name of the source of this edge.
         Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{target} attribute. \\\hline
         Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{target} attribute. \\\hline
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
         target & string & no & The name of the target of this edge.
         target & string & no & The name of the target of this edge.
         Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{source} attribute. \\\hline
         Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{source} attribute. \\\hline
-    \end{longtable}
+    \end{tabular}
     \caption{Edge Attributes}
     \caption{Edge Attributes}
+    \centering
+    \small
+    \begin{tabular}{l l l p{8.5cm}}
+        \rowcolor{gray!50}
+        \textbf{Attribute} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Optional} & \textbf{Explanation} \\
+        name & string & yes & If not omitted, this must be unique for a given parent node. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        width & integer & yes & The minimum width of the node.
+        The node can be wider if it contains other nodes that need more space.
+        If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum width can be exceeded after the shrinking.
+        Default 40.\\
+        height & integer & yes & The minimum height of the node.
+        The node can be higher if it contains other nodes that need more space.
+        If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum height can be exceeded after the shrinking.
+        Default 40.\\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        dummy & boolean & yes & Iff this is explicitly set to true, then the node is a dummy node. This attribute is necessary, because we expect previous stages to have eliminated multilayer edges, see section~\ref{sec:assumptions}. \\
+        layers & < < node > > & yes & The layers of nodes inside this node (Hierarchy). \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        edges & < edge > & yes & The edges between nodes whose parent node is this node. \\\\
+    \end{tabular}
+    \caption[Node Attributes]{Node Attributes. < \emph{element type} > is a list.}
+    \label{table:node-attributes}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 26cm 0 0,clip]{img/io.pdf}
+    \caption[Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package]{Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
+    \label{fig:io}
 %    \centering
 %    \centering
 %    \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{img/json.png}
 %    \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{img/json.png}

+ 30 - 23

@@ -72,32 +72,39 @@ Currently the two main ways to interact with the application are keyboard events
 The possible keyboard inputs are listed in table~\ref{table:keys}.
 The possible keyboard inputs are listed in table~\ref{table:keys}.
 To improve the user experience even further, these can also be used by clicking on one of the buttons displayed in figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example}.
 To improve the user experience even further, these can also be used by clicking on one of the buttons displayed in figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example}.
-    \hline
-    Key & Action \\\hline\hline
-    Alt + Left arrow key & Perform one forward step of the algorithm, \enquote{step into}. \\\hline
-    Alt + Right arrow key & Perform one \enquote{step into} in backwards direction---i.e.\ undo one step of the algorithm. \\\hline
-    Alt + Up arrow key & Perform one \enquote{step over} in backwards direction. \\\hline
-    Alt + Down arrow key & Perform one \enquote{step over} in forwards direction. \\\hline
-    Alt + Page down & Perform one \enquote{step out} in forwards direction. \\\hline
-    Alt + Page up & Perform one \enquote{step out} in backwards direction. \\\hline
-    Alt + P & Activate automatic forwards execution. \\\hline
-    Alt + R & Activate automatic backwards execution. \\\hline
-    Alt + Pause & Pause automatic execution. \\\hline
-    Alt + G & Generate a random graph (opens dialog window~\ref{fig:random-graph-dialog}).
-    Ensures that the generated graph is connected.\\\hline
-    Alt + S & Save the current graph to a file (opens a dialog window). \\\hline
-    Alt + L & Load a graph from a file (opens a dialog window). \\\hline
-    Alt + D & Show a debug table (opens window~\ref{fig:debug-table}) and also printlines its content. \\\hline
-    Alt + O & Opens the preferences dialog~\ref{fig:preferences}. \\\hline
+    \centering
+    \small
+    \begin{longtable}{l p{12cm}}
+        \rowcolor{gray!50}
+        \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Action} \\
+        Alt + Left arrow key & Perform one forward step of the algorithm, \enquote{step into}. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + Right arrow key & Perform one \enquote{step into} in backwards direction---i.e.\ undo one step of the algorithm. \\
+        Alt + Up arrow key & Perform one \enquote{step over} in backwards direction. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + Down arrow key & Perform one \enquote{step over} in forwards direction. \\
+        Alt + Page down & Perform one \enquote{step out} in forwards direction. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + Page up & Perform one \enquote{step out} in backwards direction. \\
+        Alt + P & Activate automatic forwards execution. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + R & Activate automatic backwards execution. \\
+        Alt + Pause & Pause automatic execution. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + G & Generate a random graph (opens dialog window~\ref{fig:random-graph-dialog}).
+        Ensures that the generated graph is connected.\\
+        Alt + S & Save the current graph to a file (opens a dialog window). \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + L & Load a graph from a file (opens a dialog window). \\
+        Alt + D & Show a debug table (opens window~\ref{fig:debug-table}) and also printlines its content. \\
+        \rowcolor{gray!25}
+        Alt + O & Opens the preferences dialog~\ref{fig:preferences}. \\
+    \end{longtable}
     \caption[Overview of the available keyboard commands]{Overview of the available keyboard commands.
     \caption[Overview of the available keyboard commands]{Overview of the available keyboard commands.
     The lazy user might not want to learn these by rote but instead use the buttons displayed in figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example}.}
     The lazy user might not want to learn these by rote but instead use the buttons displayed in figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example}.}
 The decision to open new windows was made to save room in each single window.
 The decision to open new windows was made to save room in each single window.
 For example the fields for generating a random graph are rarely used, so the were chosen to be displayed in a separate dialog when needed.
 For example the fields for generating a random graph are rarely used, so the were chosen to be displayed in a separate dialog when needed.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-    \begin{longtable}{p{7cm} p{7cm}}
+    \begin{tabular}{p{7cm} p{7cm}}
         \textbf{Competency} & \textbf{Contributor} \\
         \textbf{Competency} & \textbf{Contributor} \\
         Producer & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
         Producer & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
         Black-Box Testing & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
         Black-Box Testing & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
         Special Thanks & Jens Burmeister \\\\
         Special Thanks & Jens Burmeister \\\\
-    \end{longtable}
+    \end{tabular}
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-    \begin{longtable}{p{4cm} p{7cm} l}
+    \begin{tabular}{p{4cm} p{7cm} l}
         \textbf{Term} & \textbf{Explanation} & \textbf{Example} \\
         \textbf{Term} & \textbf{Explanation} & \textbf{Example} \\
         Phase & One phase of the Sugiyama approach~\cite{sugiyama_methods_1981} & Node Placement \\
         Phase & One phase of the Sugiyama approach~\cite{sugiyama_methods_1981} & Node Placement \\
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         It can actually be executed, although we call it pseudocode. & see figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example} \\
         It can actually be executed, although we call it pseudocode. & see figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example} \\
         Processor & See section~\ref{sec:theActualAlgorithm}. & \\
         Processor & See section~\ref{sec:theActualAlgorithm}. & \\
-    \end{longtable}
+    \end{tabular}
     \caption{Glossary for the most difficult terms as we use them.}
     \caption{Glossary for the most difficult terms as we use them.}