import sqlite3 import time from typing import Union import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import sys import matplotlib.animation class Plots(): def __init__(self, x_axe, y_axe, z_axe=[], x_label='x', y_label='y', z_label='z', x_axe2=[], y_axe2=[], z_axe2=[], grid=True, figsize=(13, 10)): self.x_axe = x_axe self.y_axe = y_axe self.z_axe = z_axe self.x_label = x_label self.y_label = y_label self.z_label = z_label self.x_axe2 = x_axe2 self.y_axe2 = y_axe2 self.z_axe2 = z_axe2 self.grid = grid self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) def get_a_exponential_func_as_plot(self, linrange=[-5, 5], expo=2): x = np.linspace(linrange[0], linrange[1]) y = x ** expo plt.plot(x, y, 'g') def plot_2D_compare_bar_chart(self, legend=[], width=0.35, title=str, path=''): x = np.arange(len(self.x_axe)) if legend:, self.y_axe, width=width, color='blue', label=legend[0]) + width, self.y_axe2, width=width, color='red', label=legend[1]) else:, self.y_axe, width=width, color='blue') + width, self.y_axe2, width=width, color='red') if self.grid: plt.grid() plt.xlabel(self.x_label) plt.ylabel(self.y_label) if title: plt.title(title) plt.xticks(x + width / 2, self.x_axe) plt.legend(loc='best') if path: self.save_fig(name='plot_2D_compare_bar_chart', path=path) else: self.save_fig(name='plot_2D_compare_bar_chart') def save_fig(self, name, path: Union[bool, str] = False, ): if path: plt.savefig(path + '{}_{}.png'.format(name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_H%H-M%M"))) else: plt.savefig('{}_{}.png'.format(name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_H%H-M%M"))) # Constant Layout NODE_SIZE = 200 NODE_EDGE_COLOR = 'black' EDGE_WIDTH = 0.5 FONT_SIZE = 8 FONT_SIZE_EDGES = 1 FONT_FAMILY = 'sans-serif' SAVE_FORMAT = 'svg' DPI = 1200 CONNECTION_STYLE = 'arc3, rad=0.2' ARROW_SIZE = 12 LABLE_POS = 0.35 class NetworkxPlots(): def __init__(self, node_dict, pathing=[], color_map=[], legend=[], edges=[], edge_weightings=[], directed_graph=False): if directed_graph: self.graph = nx.DiGraph() else: self.graph = nx.Graph() # Nodes self.node_type_dict = {} self.node_color_dict = {} self.node_pos_dict = {} for key, value in node_dict.items(): for ckey, cvalue in node_dict.items(): if node_dict[key]['node_type'] == node_dict[ckey]['node_type'] and node_dict[key][ 'node_type'] not in self.node_type_dict.keys(): self.node_type_dict[node_dict[key]['node_type']] = [] self.node_type_dict[node_dict[key]['node_type']].append(key) self.node_color_dict[node_dict[key]['node_type']] = node_dict[key]['node_color'] self.node_pos_dict[key] = node_dict[key]['node_name'] # Edges can be a nxn Matrix self.edges = edges self.pathing = pathing self.color_map = color_map self.edge_weightings = edge_weightings self.legend = legend def edges_for_complete_graph(self): # without self_loops for row in range(0, len(self.edges[:, 0])): for column in range(0, len(self.edges[0, :])): if round(self.edges[row, column], 1) == 0: pass else: self.graph.add_edge(row + 1, column + 1, weight=1) # round(self.edges[row, column], 1) def directions_for_directed_graph(self, pathing=[]): if pathing: for order, path in enumerate(pathing): self.graph.add_edge(path[0], path[1], weight=order + 1) else: for order, path in enumerate(self.pathing): self.graph.add_edge(path[0], path[1], weight=order + 1) def add_nodes_to_graph(self): node_numberation = [node_number for node_number in range(1, len(self.node_pos_dict.keys()) + 1)] for count in node_numberation: self.graph.add_node(count) def add_edges_to_graph(self): self.graph.add_edges_from(self.edges, weight=self.edge_weightings) def undirected_graph_plt_(self, name_path_tupl=''): # TODO SIMPLYFY THESE FUNCTIONS BY EXTRA FUNCTIONS WHICH SEPERATES THEM INTO SMALLER ONES ''' :param name_path_tupl: (name, path) to save the pic :return: a showing of the undirected graph/ saves the picture ''' # Setting plt.axis("on") ax = plt.gca() self.create_edgeless_graph_plot(ax) # Undirected labels elarge = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in self.graph.edges(data=True) if d["weight"]] nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.graph, self.node_pos_dict, edgelist=elarge, width=EDGE_WIDTH, ax=ax) # Create Figure self.create_graph_settings_with_cartesic_coord(plt, ax) # Save if name_path_tupl: self.save_fig(name=name_path_tupl[0], path=name_path_tupl[1], format=SAVE_FORMAT, dpi=DPI) # plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') def directed_graph_with_path_plt_(self, name_path_tupl=''): ''' :param name_path_tupl: (name, path) to save the pic :return: a showing of the undirected graph/ saves the picture ''' # Setting plt.axis("on") ax = plt.gca() self.create_edgeless_graph_plot(ax) # Directed labels elarge = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in self.graph.edges(data=True) if d["weight"]] nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.graph, self.node_pos_dict, edgelist=elarge, width=EDGE_WIDTH, ax=ax, connectionstyle=CONNECTION_STYLE, arrowsize=ARROW_SIZE) edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(self.graph, 'weight') nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.graph, self.node_pos_dict, edge_labels=edge_labels, ax=ax, label_pos=LABLE_POS, font_size=FONT_SIZE_EDGES) # Create figure: self.create_graph_settings_with_cartesic_coord(plt, ax) # Save if name_path_tupl: self.save_fig(name=name_path_tupl[0], path=name_path_tupl[1], format=SAVE_FORMAT, dpi=DPI) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') def save_fig(self, name, path: Union[bool, str] = False, format='png', dpi=1200): if path: plt.savefig(path + r'\{}_{}.'.format(name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_H%H-M%M")) + format, format=format, dpi=dpi) else: plt.savefig('{}_{}'.format(name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_H%H-M%M")) + format, format=format, dpi=dpi) def create_edgeless_graph_plot(self, ax): for node_type in self.node_type_dict.keys(): nlist = self.node_type_dict[node_type] ncolor = self.node_color_dict[node_type] # draw the graph nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.graph, pos=self.node_pos_dict, nodelist=nlist, ax=ax, node_color=ncolor, label=node_type, edgecolors=NODE_EDGE_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE) nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.graph, self.node_pos_dict, font_size=FONT_SIZE, font_family=FONT_FAMILY) def create_graph_settings_with_cartesic_coord(self, plt, ax): # getting the position of the legend so that the graph is not disrupted: x_lim_max = max([x[0] for x in self.node_pos_dict.values()]) x_lim_max += x_lim_max * 0.01 y_lim_max = max([y[1] for y in self.node_pos_dict.values()]) y_lim_max += y_lim_max * 0.05 x_lim_min = min([x[0] for x in self.node_pos_dict.values()]) x_lim_min -= x_lim_min * 0.01 y_lim_min = min([y[1] for y in self.node_pos_dict.values()]) y_lim_min -= y_lim_min * 0.05 ax.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True) legend_size = 16 plt.legend(scatterpoints=1, prop={'size': legend_size}) plt.xlim(x_lim_min - 0.5, x_lim_max + legend_size / 6) plt.ylim(y_lim_min - 0.5, y_lim_max + 0.5) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.tight_layout()