import inspect import os import re import sys import traceback from itertools import islice from pickle import PickleError from typing import Sized, Dict, Tuple, Type from types import FrameType from tool_lib.threading_timer_decorator import exit_after try: import numpy except ImportError: numpy = None FORMATTING_OPTIONS = { 'MAX_LINE_LENGTH': 1024, 'SHORT_LINE_THRESHOLD': 128, 'MAX_NEWLINES': 20, } ID = int # noinspection PyPep8Naming def name_or_str(X): try: return"", str(X))[1] except TypeError: # if not found return str(X) @exit_after(2) def type_string(x): if numpy is not None and isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray): return name_or_str(type(x)) + str(x.shape) elif isinstance(x, Sized): return name_or_str(type(x)) + f'({len(x)})' else: return name_or_str(type(x)) @exit_after(2) def to_string_with_timeout(x): return str(x) def nth_index(iterable, value, n): matches = (idx for idx, val in enumerate(iterable) if val == value) return next(islice(matches, n - 1, n), None) class DumpingException(Exception): pass class SubclassNotFound(ImportError): pass def subclass_by_name(name: str, base: Type): candidates = [t for t in base.__subclasses__() if t.__name__ == name] if len(candidates) != 1: raise SubclassNotFound() return candidates[0] def dont_import(): raise ImportError loaded_custom_picklers = False def load_custom_picklers(): global loaded_custom_picklers if loaded_custom_picklers: return print('Loading custom picklers...') typing_types = ['Dict', 'List', 'Set', 'Tuple', 'Callable', 'Optional'] for unpicklable_type in [ 'from zmq import Socket as unpicklable', 'from zmq import Context as unpicklable', 'from sqlite3 import Connection as unpicklable', 'from sqlite3 import Cursor as unpicklable', 'from socket import socket as unpicklable', 'from tensorflow import Tensor as unpicklable', 'from tensorflow.python.types.core import Tensor as unpicklable', # 'from tensorflow.keras import Model as unpicklable', 'from tensorflow.python.eager.def_function import Function as unpicklable', 'from tensorflow.python.keras.utils.object_identity import _ObjectIdentityWrapper as unpicklable', # Next line: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object 'from tensorflow.python._pywrap_tfe import TFE_MonitoringBoolGauge0;unpicklable=TFE_MonitoringBoolGauge0.__base__', 'unpicklable = subclass_by_name(\\"PyCapsule\\", object)', 'unpicklable = subclass_by_name(\\"_CData\\", object)', 'from h5py import HLObject as unpicklable', 'from builtins import memoryview as unpicklable', # can't pickle type annotations from typing in python <= 3.6 (Next line: typing._TypingBase) 'import sys;dont_import() if sys.version >=\\"3.7\\" else None;from typing import Optional;unpicklable = type(Optional).__base__.__base__', *[f'import sys;dont_import() if sys.version >=\\"3.7\\" else None;from typing import {t};unpicklable = type({t})' for t in typing_types], 'import sys;dont_import() if sys.version >=\\"3.7\\" else None;from typing import Dict;unpicklable = type(Dict).__base__', 'import inspect;unpicklable = type(inspect.stack()[0].frame)', # can't pickle thread-local data 'from threading import local as unpicklable', # can't pickle generator objects 'unpicklable = type(_ for _ in [])', ]: try: unpicklable = eval(f'exec("{unpicklable_type}") or unpicklable') except ImportError: pass except TypeError as e : if 'Descriptors cannot not be created directly' in str(e): pass else: raise else: register_unpicklable(unpicklable, also_subclasses=True) finally: unpicklable = None loaded_custom_picklers = True def register_unpicklable(unpicklable: Type, also_subclasses=False): import dill @dill.register(unpicklable) def save_unpicklable(pickler, obj): def recreate_unpicklable(): return f'This was something that could not be pickled and instead was replaced with this string' recreate_unpicklable.__name__ = f'unpicklable_{unpicklable.__name__}' pickler.save_reduce(recreate_unpicklable, (), obj=obj) if also_subclasses: if unpicklable.__subclasses__ is type.__subclasses__: subclasses = [] else: subclasses = unpicklable.__subclasses__() for subclass in subclasses: register_unpicklable(subclass, also_subclasses=True) def dump_stack_to_file(serialize_to, print=print, stack=None): if stack is None: stack = inspect.stack()[1:] try: import dill except ModuleNotFoundError: print('Dill not available. Not dumping stack.') else: print('Dumping stack...') load_custom_picklers() serializable_stack = [] for frame in stack: if isinstance(frame, inspect.FrameInfo): frame = frame.frame serializable_stack.append({ k: frame.__getattribute__(k) for k in ['f_globals', 'f_locals', 'f_code', 'f_lineno', 'f_lasti'] }) with open(serialize_to, 'wb') as serialize_to_file: try: print(f'Dumping stack...') dill.dump(serializable_stack, serialize_to_file) except (PickleError, RecursionError) as e: print(f'Was not able to dump the stack. Error {type(e)}: {e}') unpicklable_frames = [] for frame_idx in range(len(serializable_stack)): try: dill.dumps(serializable_stack[frame_idx]) except (PickleError, RecursionError): unpicklable_frames.append(frame_idx) print(f'Unpicklable frames (top=0, bottom={len(serializable_stack)}):', unpicklable_frames) if 'typing.' in str(e): print('This might be fixed by upgrading to python 3.7 or above.') else: print(f'Dumped stack. Can be loaded with:') print(f'with open(r"{os.path.abspath(serialize_to)}", "rb") as f: import dill; dill._dill._reverse_typemap["ClassType"] = type; stack = dill.load(f)') if os.path.isfile(serialize_to): from lib.util import backup_file backup_file(serialize_to) def print_exc_plus(print=print, serialize_to=None, print_trace=True): """ Print the usual traceback information, followed by a listing of all the local variables in each frame. """ limit = FORMATTING_OPTIONS['MAX_LINE_LENGTH'] max_newlines = FORMATTING_OPTIONS['MAX_NEWLINES'] tb = sys.exc_info()[2] if numpy is not None: options = numpy.get_printoptions() numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3, edgeitems=2, floatmode='maxprec', threshold=20, linewidth=120) else: options = {} stack = [] long_printed_objs: Dict[ID, Tuple[str, FrameType]] = {} while tb: stack.append(tb.tb_frame) tb = tb.tb_next if print_trace: for frame in stack: if frame is not stack[0]: print('-' * 40) try: print("Frame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, os.path.relpath(frame.f_code.co_filename), frame.f_lineno)) except ValueError: # if path is not relative print("Frame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)) for key, value in frame.f_locals.items(): # We have to be careful not to cause a new error in our error # printer! Calling str() on an unknown object could cause an # error we don't want. # noinspection PyBroadException try: key_string = to_string_with_timeout(key) except KeyboardInterrupt: key_string = "" except Exception: key_string = "" # noinspection PyBroadException try: type_as_string = type_string(value) except KeyboardInterrupt: type_as_string = "" except Exception as e: # noinspection PyBroadException try: type_as_string = f"<{type(e).__name__} WHILE PRINTING TYPE>" except Exception: type_as_string = "" if id(value) in long_printed_objs: prev_key_string, prev_frame = long_printed_objs[id(value)] if prev_frame is frame: print("\t%s is the same as '%s'" % (key_string + ' : ' + type_as_string, prev_key_string)) else: print("\t%s is the same as '%s' in frame %s in %s at line %s." % (key_string + ' : ' + type_as_string, prev_key_string, prev_frame.f_code.co_name, os.path.relpath(prev_frame.f_code.co_filename), prev_frame.f_lineno)) continue # noinspection PyBroadException try: value_string = to_string_with_timeout(value) except KeyboardInterrupt: value_string = "" except Exception: value_string = "" line: str = '\t' + key_string + ' : ' + type_as_string + ' = ' + value_string if limit is not None and len(line) > limit: line = line[:limit - 1] + '...' if max_newlines is not None and line.count('\n') > max_newlines: line = line[:nth_index(line, '\n', max_newlines)].strip() + '... (' + str( line[nth_index(line, '\n', max_newlines):].count('\n')) + ' more lines)' if len(line) > FORMATTING_OPTIONS['SHORT_LINE_THRESHOLD']: long_printed_objs[id(value)] = key_string, frame print(line) traceback.print_exc() etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() for line in traceback.TracebackException(type(value), value, tb, limit=limit).format(chain=True): print(line) if serialize_to is not None: dump_stack_to_file(stack=stack, serialize_to=serialize_to, print=print) if numpy is not None: numpy.set_printoptions(**options) def main(): def fun1(c, d, e): return fun2(c, d + e) def fun2(g, h): raise RuntimeError def fun3(z): return numpy.zeros(shape=z) try: import numpy as np fun1(numpy.random.normal(size=(3, 4, 5, 6)), '12321', '123') data = '???' * 100 fun3(data) except: print_exc_plus() if __name__ == '__main__': main()