@@ -0,0 +1,1545 @@
+made by Eren Yilmaz
+import functools
+import itertools
+from copy import deepcopy
+from goto import with_goto
+from lib import util
+from lib.tuned_cache import TunedMemory
+from lib.progress_bar import ProgressBar
+import pickle
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+import os
+import random
+import sqlite3
+from datetime import datetime
+from math import inf, nan, ceil, sqrt
+from timeit import default_timer
+from typing import Dict, Any, List, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Iterable, Union
+import numpy
+import pandas
+import scipy.stats
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.dates
+from lib.util import my_tabulate, round_to_digits, print_progress_bar, heatmap_from_points, LogicError, shorten_name
+score_cache = TunedMemory(location='.cache/scores', verbose=0)
+sns.set(style="whitegrid", font_scale=1.5)
+# set up db for results
+connection: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect('random_search_results.db')
+connection.cursor().execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1')
+connection.cursor().execute('PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL')
+connection.cursor().execute('PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL')
+Parameters = Dict[str, Any]
+MetricValue = float
+Metrics = Dict[str, MetricValue]
+History = List[MetricValue]
+suppress_intermediate_beeps = False
+label = goto = object()
+class Prediction:
+ def __init__(self, dataset: str, y_true, y_pred, name: str):
+ self.y_pred = y_pred
+ self.y_true = y_true
+ self.name = name
+ if not isinstance(name, str):
+ self.name = str(name)
+ else:
+ self.name = name
+ if not isinstance(dataset, str):
+ raise TypeError
+ self.dataset = dataset
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.__dict__)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + repr({k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != 'predictions'})
+class EvaluationResult:
+ def __init__(self,
+ results: Dict[str, MetricValue],
+ parameters: Parameters = None,
+ predictions: Optional[List[Prediction]] = None):
+ self.predictions = predictions
+ if self.predictions is not None:
+ self.predictions = self.predictions.copy()
+ else:
+ self.predictions = []
+ if parameters is None:
+ self.parameters = parameters
+ else:
+ self.parameters = parameters.copy()
+ self.results = results.copy()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield self
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, EvaluationResult)
+ and self.parameters == other.parameters
+ and self.predictions == other.predictions
+ and self.results == other.results)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '{0}{1}'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
+ {k: getattr(self, k) for k in ['results', 'parameters', 'predictions']})
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self.__dict__)
+assert list(EvaluationResult({}, {})) == list([EvaluationResult({}, {})])
+EvaluationFunction = Callable[[Parameters], Union[List[EvaluationResult], EvaluationResult, List[float], float]]
+class Parameter:
+ def __init__(self, name: str, initial_value, larger_value, smaller_value, first_try_increase=False):
+ self.name = name
+ self.initial_value = initial_value
+ self.larger_value = larger_value
+ self.smaller_value = smaller_value
+ self.first_try_increase = first_try_increase
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + repr(self.__dict__)
+ def copy(self, new_name=None):
+ result: Parameter = deepcopy(self)
+ if new_name is not None:
+ result.name = new_name
+ return result
+class BoundedParameter(Parameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value, larger_value, smaller_value, minimum=-inf, maximum=inf,
+ first_try_increase=False):
+ self.minimum = minimum
+ self.maximum = maximum
+ super().__init__(name,
+ initial_value,
+ lambda x: self._bounded(larger_value(x)),
+ lambda x: self._bounded(smaller_value(x)),
+ first_try_increase=first_try_increase)
+ if self.initial_value < self.minimum:
+ raise ValueError('Initial value is lower than minimum value.')
+ if self.initial_value > self.maximum:
+ raise ValueError('Initial value is larger than maximum value.')
+ def _bounded(self, y):
+ y = max(self.minimum, y)
+ y = min(self.maximum, y)
+ return y
+class ConstantParameter(Parameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, value):
+ super().__init__(name,
+ value,
+ lambda x: value,
+ lambda x: value)
+class BinaryParameter(Parameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, value1, value2):
+ super().__init__(name,
+ value1,
+ lambda x: value2 if x == value1 else value1,
+ lambda x: value2 if x == value1 else value1)
+class BooleanParameter(Parameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value: bool):
+ super().__init__(name,
+ bool(initial_value),
+ lambda x: not x,
+ lambda x: not x)
+class TernaryParameter(Parameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, value1, value2, value3):
+ self.smaller = {value1: value3, value2: value1, value3: value2}
+ self.larger = {value1: value2, value2: value3, value3: value1}
+ super().__init__(name,
+ value1,
+ lambda x: self.smaller[x],
+ lambda x: self.larger[x])
+class ListParameter(Parameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value, possible_values: List, first_try_increase=False, circle=False):
+ self.possible_values = possible_values.copy()
+ if initial_value not in self.possible_values:
+ raise ValueError()
+ if len(set(self.possible_values)) != len(self.possible_values):
+ print('WARNING: It seems that there are duplicates in the list of possible values for {0}'.format(name))
+ length = len(self.possible_values)
+ if circle:
+ smaller = lambda x: self.possible_values[(self.possible_values.index(x) + 1) % length]
+ larger = lambda x: self.possible_values[(self.possible_values.index(x) - 1) % length]
+ else:
+ smaller = lambda x: self.possible_values[min(self.possible_values.index(x) + 1, length - 1)]
+ larger = lambda x: self.possible_values[max(self.possible_values.index(x) - 1, 0)]
+ super().__init__(name,
+ initial_value,
+ smaller,
+ larger,
+ first_try_increase=first_try_increase)
+class ExponentialParameter(BoundedParameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value, base, minimum=-inf, maximum=inf, first_try_increase=False):
+ super().__init__(name,
+ initial_value,
+ lambda x: float(x * base),
+ lambda x: float(x / base),
+ minimum,
+ maximum,
+ first_try_increase=first_try_increase)
+ self.plot_scale = 'log'
+class ExponentialIntegerParameter(BoundedParameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value, base, minimum=-inf, maximum=inf, first_try_increase=False):
+ if minimum != -inf:
+ minimum = round(minimum)
+ if maximum != inf:
+ maximum = round(maximum)
+ super().__init__(name,
+ round(initial_value),
+ lambda x: round(x * base),
+ lambda x: round(x / base),
+ minimum,
+ maximum,
+ first_try_increase=first_try_increase)
+ self.plot_scale = 'log'
+class LinearParameter(BoundedParameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value, summand, minimum=-inf, maximum=inf, first_try_increase=False):
+ super().__init__(name,
+ initial_value,
+ lambda x: float(x + summand),
+ lambda x: float(x - summand),
+ minimum,
+ maximum,
+ first_try_increase=first_try_increase)
+class LinearIntegerParameter(BoundedParameter):
+ def __init__(self, name, initial_value, summand, minimum=-inf, maximum=inf, first_try_increase=False):
+ super().__init__(name,
+ initial_value,
+ lambda x: x + summand,
+ lambda x: x - summand,
+ minimum,
+ maximum,
+ first_try_increase=first_try_increase)
+class InvalidParametersError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, parameters=None):
+ self.parameters = parameters
+class BadParametersError(InvalidParametersError):
+ pass
+class InvalidReturnError(Exception):
+ pass
+class EmptyTableError(Exception):
+ pass
+ ExponentialParameter('learn_rate', 0.001, 10),
+ ExponentialIntegerParameter('hidden_layer_size', 512, 2, minimum=1),
+ LinearIntegerParameter('hidden_layer_count', 3, 1, minimum=0),
+ ExponentialIntegerParameter('epochs', 100, 5, minimum=1),
+ LinearParameter('dropout_rate', 0.5, 0.2, minimum=0, maximum=1),
+def mean_confidence_interval_size(data, confidence=0.95, force_v: Optional[int] = None,
+ force_sem: Optional[float] = None):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return nan
+ if force_sem is None:
+ if len(data) == 1:
+ return inf
+ sem = scipy.stats.sem(data)
+ else:
+ sem = force_sem
+ if sem == 0:
+ return 0
+ if force_v is None:
+ v = len(data) - 1
+ else:
+ v = force_v
+ return numpy.mean(data) - scipy.stats.t.interval(confidence,
+ df=v,
+ loc=numpy.mean(data),
+ scale=sem)[0]
+def try_parameters(experiment_name: str,
+ evaluate: EvaluationFunction,
+ params: Dict[str, any],
+ optimize: Optional[str] = None,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool = None, ):
+ print('running experiment...')
+ params = params.copy()
+ if larger_result_is_better is None and optimize is not None:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Don\'t know how to optimize {0}. Did you specify `larger_result_is_better`?'.format(optimize))
+ assert larger_result_is_better is not None or optimize is None
+ worst_score = -inf if larger_result_is_better else inf
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ start = default_timer()
+ try:
+ result = evaluate(params)
+ if not isinstance(result, Iterable):
+ result = [result]
+ evaluation_results: List[EvaluationResult] = list(result)
+ except InvalidParametersError as e:
+ if optimize is not None:
+ bad_results: Dict[str, float] = {
+ optimize: worst_score
+ }
+ else:
+ bad_results = {}
+ if e.parameters is None:
+ evaluation_results = [EvaluationResult(
+ parameters=params,
+ results=bad_results
+ )]
+ else:
+ evaluation_results = [EvaluationResult(
+ parameters=e.parameters,
+ results=bad_results
+ )]
+ finally:
+ duration = default_timer() - start
+ for idx in range(len(evaluation_results)):
+ if isinstance(evaluation_results[idx], float):
+ evaluation_results[idx] = EvaluationResult(parameters=params,
+ results={optimize: evaluation_results[idx]})
+ p_count = 0
+ for evaluation_result in evaluation_results:
+ if evaluation_result.parameters is None:
+ evaluation_result.parameters = params
+ metric_names = sorted(evaluation_result.results.keys())
+ param_names = list(sorted(evaluation_result.parameters.keys()))
+ for metric_name in metric_names:
+ add_metric_column(experiment_name, metric_name, verbose=1)
+ for param_name in param_names:
+ add_parameter_column(experiment_name, param_name, evaluation_result.parameters[param_name], verbose=1)
+ if not set(param_names).isdisjoint(metric_names):
+ raise RuntimeError('Metrics and parameter names should be disjoint')
+ if optimize is not None and numpy.isnan(evaluation_result.results[optimize]):
+ evaluation_result.results[optimize] = worst_score
+ metric_values = [evaluation_result.results[metric_name] for metric_name in metric_names]
+ param_names_comma_separated = ','.join('"' + param_name + '"' for param_name in param_names)
+ metric_names_comma_separated = ','.join('"' + metric_name + '"' for metric_name in metric_names)
+ insert_question_marks = ','.join('?' for _ in range(len(param_names) + len(metric_names)))
+ cursor.execute('''
+ INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2})
+ '''.format(experiment_name,
+ param_names_comma_separated + ',' + metric_names_comma_separated,
+ insert_question_marks), (*[evaluation_result.parameters[name] for name in param_names],
+ *metric_values))
+ result_id = cursor.lastrowid
+ assert cursor.execute(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {experiment_name}_predictions WHERE result_id = ? LIMIT 1',
+ (result_id,)).fetchone()[0] == 0
+ p_count += len(evaluation_result.predictions)
+ dataset_names = [(prediction.dataset, prediction.name) for prediction in evaluation_result.predictions]
+ if len(set(dataset_names)) != len(dataset_names):
+ print('\n'.join(sorted(dsn
+ for idx, dsn in dataset_names
+ if dsn in dataset_names[idx:])))
+ raise InvalidReturnError(
+ 'Every combination of name and dataset in a single evaluation result must be unique.'
+ 'There should be a list of duplicates printed above where the number of occurrences'
+ 'of an element in the list is the actual number of occurrences minus 1 '
+ '(so only duplicates are listed).')
+ # noinspection SqlResolve
+ cursor.executemany('''
+ INSERT INTO {0}_predictions (dataset, y_true, y_pred, result_id, name)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+ '''.format(experiment_name), [(prediction.dataset,
+ pickle.dumps(prediction.y_true),
+ pickle.dumps(prediction.y_pred),
+ result_id,
+ prediction.name) for prediction in evaluation_result.predictions])
+ connection.commit()
+ print('saved', len(evaluation_results), 'results and', p_count, 'predictions to db')
+ if not suppress_intermediate_beeps:
+ util.beep(1000, 500)
+ if optimize is not None:
+ scores = [r.results[optimize] for r in evaluation_results]
+ if larger_result_is_better:
+ best_score = max(scores)
+ else:
+ best_score = min(scores)
+ print(' finished in', duration, 'seconds, best loss/score:', best_score)
+ for r in evaluation_results:
+ if list(sorted(r.results.keys())) != list(sorted(metric_names)):
+ raise InvalidReturnError("""
+ Wrong metric names were returned by `evaluate`:
+ Expected metric_names={0}
+ but was {1}.
+ The result was saved to database anyways, possibly with missing values.
+ """.format(list(sorted(metric_names)),
+ list(sorted(r.results.keys()))))
+ return evaluation_results
+def config_dict_from_param_list(params: List[Parameter]):
+ return {
+ p.name: p.initial_value
+ for p in params
+ }
+def evaluate_with_initial_params(experiment_name: str,
+ params: List[Parameter],
+ evaluate: EvaluationFunction,
+ optimize: str,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool,
+ metric_names=None,
+ num_experiments=1, ):
+ random_parameter_search(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ params=params,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better,
+ mutation_probability=1.,
+ no_mutations_probability=0.,
+ max_num_experiments=num_experiments,
+ metric_names=metric_names,
+ initial_experiments=num_experiments,
+ experiment_count='db_tries_initial', )
+def random_parameter_search(experiment_name: str,
+ params: List[Parameter],
+ evaluate: EvaluationFunction,
+ optimize: str,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool,
+ mutation_probability: float = None,
+ no_mutations_probability: float = None,
+ allow_multiple_mutations=False,
+ max_num_experiments=inf,
+ metric_names=None,
+ initial_experiments=1,
+ runs_per_configuration=inf,
+ initial_runs=1,
+ ignore_configuration_condition='0',
+ experiment_count='tries', ):
+ print('experiment name:', experiment_name)
+ if metric_names is None:
+ metric_names = [optimize]
+ if optimize not in metric_names:
+ raise ValueError('trying to optimize {0} but only metrics available are {1}'.format(optimize, metric_names))
+ params = sorted(params, key=lambda p: p.name)
+ validate_parameter_set(params)
+ param_names = [param.name for param in params]
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ create_experiment_tables_if_not_exists(experiment_name, params, metric_names)
+ def max_tries_reached(ps):
+ return len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, ps)) >= runs_per_configuration
+ def min_tries_reached(ps):
+ return len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, ps)) >= initial_runs
+ def try_(ps) -> bool:
+ tried = False
+ if not max_tries_reached(ps):
+ try_parameters(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ params=ps,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better, )
+ tried = True
+ else:
+ print('Skipping because maximum number of tries is already reached.')
+ while not min_tries_reached(ps):
+ print('Repeating because minimum number of tries is not reached.')
+ try_parameters(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ params=ps,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better, )
+ tried = True
+ return tried
+ if mutation_probability is None:
+ mutation_probability = 1 / (len(params) + 1)
+ if no_mutations_probability is None:
+ no_mutations_probability = (1 - 1 / len(params)) / 4
+ initial_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ print('initial parameters:', initial_params)
+ def skip():
+ best_scores, best_mean, best_std, best_conf = get_results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name,
+ best_params, 0.99)
+ try_scores, try_mean, try_std, try_conf = get_results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name,
+ try_params, 0.99)
+ if larger_result_is_better:
+ if best_mean - best_conf > try_mean + try_conf:
+ return True
+ else:
+ if best_mean + best_conf < try_mean - try_conf:
+ return True
+ return False
+ # get best params
+ initial_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ any_results = cursor.execute('SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE NOT ({1}))'.format(experiment_name,
+ ignore_configuration_condition)).fetchone()[
+ 0]
+ if any_results:
+ best_params = get_best_params(experiment_name,
+ larger_result_is_better,
+ optimize,
+ param_names,
+ additional_condition=f'NOT ({ignore_configuration_condition})')
+ else:
+ best_params = initial_params
+ try_params = best_params.copy()
+ def results_for_params(ps):
+ return get_results_for_params(
+ metric=optimize,
+ experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ parameters=ps
+ )
+ if experiment_count == 'tries':
+ num_experiments = 0
+ elif experiment_count == 'results':
+ num_experiments = 0
+ elif experiment_count == 'db_total':
+ num_experiments = cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE NOT ({1})'.format(experiment_name,
+ ignore_configuration_condition)).fetchone()[
+ 0]
+ elif experiment_count == 'db_tries_best':
+ num_experiments = len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, best_params))
+ elif experiment_count == 'db_tries_initial':
+ num_experiments = len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, initial_params))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid argument for experiment_count')
+ last_best_score = results_for_params(best_params)[1]
+ while num_experiments < max_num_experiments:
+ if num_experiments < initial_experiments:
+ try_params = initial_params.copy()
+ else:
+ any_results = \
+ cursor.execute('SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE NOT ({1}))'.format(experiment_name,
+ ignore_configuration_condition)).fetchone()[
+ 0]
+ if any_results:
+ last_best_params = best_params
+ best_params = get_best_params(experiment_name,
+ larger_result_is_better,
+ optimize,
+ param_names,
+ additional_condition=f'NOT ({ignore_configuration_condition})')
+ best_scores, best_score, _, best_conf_size = results_for_params(best_params)
+ if last_best_score is not None and best_score is not None:
+ if last_best_params != best_params:
+ if last_best_score < best_score and larger_result_is_better or last_best_score > best_score and not larger_result_is_better:
+ print(' --> Parameters were improved by this change!')
+ if last_best_score > best_score and larger_result_is_better or last_best_score < best_score and not larger_result_is_better:
+ print(' --> Actually other parameters are better...')
+ last_best_score = best_score
+ # print('currently best parameters:', best_params)
+ changed_params = {k: v for k, v in best_params.items() if best_params[k] != initial_params[k]}
+ print('currently best parameters (excluding unchanged parameters):', changed_params)
+ print('currently best score:', best_score, 'conf.', best_conf_size, 'num.', len(best_scores))
+ else:
+ best_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ best_conf_size = inf
+ try_params = best_params.copy()
+ verbose = 1
+ if best_conf_size != inf:
+ if random.random() > no_mutations_probability:
+ modify_params_randomly(mutation_probability, params, try_params, verbose,
+ allow_multiple_mutations=allow_multiple_mutations)
+ if num_experiments < initial_experiments:
+ try_params = initial_params.copy()
+ else:
+ # check if this already has a bad score
+ if skip():
+ print('skipping because this set of parameters is known to be worse with high probability.')
+ print()
+ continue
+ # print('trying parameters', {k: v for k, v in try_params.items() if try_params[k] != initial_params[k]})
+ results = try_(try_params)
+ if experiment_count == 'tries':
+ num_experiments += 1
+ elif experiment_count == 'results':
+ num_experiments += len(results)
+ elif experiment_count == 'db_total':
+ num_experiments = cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0}'.format(experiment_name)).fetchone()[0]
+ elif experiment_count == 'db_tries_best':
+ num_experiments = len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, best_params))
+ elif experiment_count == 'db_tries_initial':
+ num_experiments = len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, initial_params))
+ else:
+ raise LogicError('It is not possible that this is reached.')
+def diamond_parameter_search(experiment_name: str,
+ diamond_size: int,
+ params: List[Parameter],
+ evaluate: EvaluationFunction,
+ optimize: str,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool,
+ runs_per_configuration=inf,
+ initial_runs=1,
+ metric_names=None,
+ filter_results_condition='1'):
+ print('experiment name:', experiment_name)
+ if metric_names is None:
+ metric_names = [optimize]
+ if optimize not in metric_names:
+ raise ValueError('trying to optimize {0} but only metrics available are {1}'.format(optimize, metric_names))
+ print('Optimizing metric', optimize)
+ if runs_per_configuration > initial_runs:
+ print(
+ f'WARNING: You are using initial_runs={initial_runs} and runs_per_configuration={runs_per_configuration}. '
+ f'This may lead to unexpected results if you dont know what you are doing.')
+ params_in_original_order = params
+ params = sorted(params, key=lambda p: p.name)
+ validate_parameter_set(params)
+ create_experiment_tables_if_not_exists(experiment_name, params, metric_names)
+ initial_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ print('initial parameters:', initial_params)
+ # get best params
+ initial_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ try:
+ best_params = get_best_params_and_compare_with_initial(experiment_name, initial_params, larger_result_is_better,
+ optimize,
+ additional_condition=filter_results_condition)
+ except EmptyTableError:
+ best_params = initial_params
+ def max_tries_reached(ps):
+ return len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, ps)) >= runs_per_configuration
+ def min_tries_reached(ps):
+ return len(result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, ps)) >= initial_runs
+ def try_(ps) -> bool:
+ tried = False
+ if not max_tries_reached(ps):
+ try_parameters(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ params=ps,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better, )
+ tried = True
+ else:
+ print('Skipping because maximum number of tries is already reached.')
+ while not min_tries_reached(ps):
+ print('Repeating because minimum number of tries is not reached.')
+ try_parameters(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ params=ps,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better, )
+ tried = True
+ return tried
+ last_best_score = results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name, best_params)[1]
+ modifications_steps = [
+ {'param_name': param.name, 'direction': direction}
+ for param in params_in_original_order
+ for direction in ([param.larger_value, param.smaller_value] if param.first_try_increase
+ else [param.smaller_value, param.larger_value])
+ ]
+ label.restart
+ restart_scheduled = False
+ while True: # repeatedly iterate parameters
+ any_tries_done_this_iteration = False
+ for num_modifications in range(diamond_size + 1): # first try small changes, later larger changes
+ modification_sets = itertools.product(*(modifications_steps for _ in range(num_modifications)))
+ for modifications in modification_sets: # which modifications to try this time
+ while True: # repeatedly modify parameters in this direction
+ improvement_found_in_this_iteration = False
+ try_params = best_params.copy()
+ for modification in modifications:
+ try_params[modification['param_name']] = modification['direction'](
+ try_params[modification['param_name']])
+ for param_name, param_value in try_params.items():
+ if best_params[param_name] != param_value:
+ print(f'Setting {param_name} = {param_value} for the next run.')
+ if try_params == best_params:
+ print('Repeating experiment with best found parameters.')
+ if try_(try_params): # if the experiment was actually conducted
+ any_tries_done_this_iteration = True
+ best_params = get_best_params_and_compare_with_initial(experiment_name, initial_params,
+ larger_result_is_better, optimize,
+ filter_results_condition)
+ last_best_params = best_params
+ best_scores, best_score, _, best_conf_size = results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name,
+ best_params)
+ changed_params = {k: v for k, v in best_params.items() if best_params[k] != initial_params[k]}
+ print('currently best parameters (excluding unchanged parameters):', changed_params)
+ print('currently best score:', best_score, 'conf.', best_conf_size, 'num.', len(best_scores))
+ else:
+ last_best_params = best_params
+ _, best_score, _, best_conf_size = results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name, best_params)
+ if last_best_score is not None and best_score is not None:
+ if last_best_params != best_params:
+ if last_best_score < best_score and larger_result_is_better or last_best_score > best_score and not larger_result_is_better:
+ print(' --> Parameters were improved by this change!')
+ improvement_found_in_this_iteration = True
+ if num_modifications > 1:
+ # two or more parameters were modified and this improved the results -> first try to modify them again in the same direction,
+ # then restart the search from the best found configuration
+ restart_scheduled = True
+ elif last_best_score > best_score and larger_result_is_better or last_best_score < best_score and not larger_result_is_better:
+ print(' --> Actually other parameters are better...')
+ if not improvement_found_in_this_iteration:
+ break # stop if no improvement was found in this direction
+ if restart_scheduled:
+ break
+ if restart_scheduled:
+ break
+ if restart_scheduled:
+ goto.restart
+ if not any_tries_done_this_iteration:
+ break # parameter search finished (converged in some sense)
+cross_parameter_search = functools.partial(diamond_parameter_search, diamond_size=1)
+cross_parameter_search.__name__ = 'cross_parameter_search'
+def get_best_params_and_compare_with_initial(experiment_name, initial_params, larger_result_is_better, optimize,
+ additional_condition='1'):
+ best_params = get_best_params(experiment_name, larger_result_is_better, optimize, list(initial_params),
+ additional_condition=additional_condition)
+ changed_params = {k: v for k, v in best_params.items() if best_params[k] != initial_params[k]}
+ best_scores, best_score, _, best_conf_size = results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name, best_params)
+ print('currently best parameters (excluding unchanged parameters):', changed_params)
+ print('currently best score:', best_score, 'conf.', best_conf_size, 'num.', len(best_scores))
+ return best_params
+def results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name, ps):
+ return get_results_for_params(
+ metric=optimize,
+ experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ parameters=ps
+ )
+def modify_params_randomly(mutation_probability, params, try_params, verbose, allow_multiple_mutations=False):
+ for param in params:
+ while random.random() < mutation_probability:
+ next_value = random.choice([param.smaller_value, param.larger_value])
+ old_value = try_params[param.name]
+ try:
+ try_params[param.name] = round_to_digits(next_value(try_params[param.name]), 4)
+ except TypeError: # when the parameter is not a number
+ try_params[param.name] = next_value(try_params[param.name])
+ if verbose and try_params[param.name] != old_value:
+ print('setting', param.name, '=', try_params[param.name], 'for this run')
+ if not allow_multiple_mutations:
+ break
+def finish_experiments(experiment_name: str,
+ params: List[Parameter],
+ optimize: str,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool,
+ metric_names=None,
+ filter_results_table='1',
+ max_display_results=None,
+ print_results_table=False,
+ max_table_row_count=inf,
+ plot_metrics_by_metrics=False,
+ plot_metric_over_time=False,
+ plot_metrics_by_parameters=False, ):
+ if max_display_results is inf:
+ max_display_results = None
+ if metric_names is None:
+ metric_names = [optimize]
+ # get the best parameters
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ params = sorted(params, key=lambda param: param.name)
+ param_names = sorted(set(param.name for param in params))
+ param_names_comma_separated = ','.join('"' + param_name + '"' for param_name in param_names)
+ best_params = get_best_params(experiment_name, larger_result_is_better, optimize, param_names,
+ additional_condition=filter_results_table, )
+ best_score = get_results_for_params(
+ metric=optimize,
+ experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ parameters=best_params
+ )
+ initial_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ # get a list of all results with mean std and conf
+ if print_results_table or plot_metrics_by_parameters or plot_metrics_by_metrics:
+ concatenated_metric_names = ','.join('GROUP_CONCAT("' + metric_name + '", \'@\') AS ' + metric_name
+ for metric_name in metric_names)
+ worst_score = '-1e999999' if larger_result_is_better else '1e999999'
+ limit_string = f'LIMIT {max_table_row_count}' if max_table_row_count is not None and max_table_row_count < inf else ''
+ # noinspection SqlAggregates
+ cursor.execute('''
+ SELECT {1}, {4}
+ FROM {0} AS params
+ WHERE ({5})
+ GROUP BY {1}
+ ORDER BY AVG(CASE WHEN params.{3} IS NULL THEN {6} ELSE params.{3} END) {2}
+ {7}
+ '''.format(experiment_name,
+ param_names_comma_separated,
+ 'DESC' if larger_result_is_better else 'ASC',
+ optimize,
+ concatenated_metric_names,
+ filter_results_table,
+ worst_score,
+ limit_string))
+ all_results = cursor.fetchall()
+ column_description = list(cursor.description)
+ for idx, row in enumerate(all_results):
+ all_results[idx] = list(row)
+ # prepare results table
+ if print_results_table or plot_metrics_by_metrics or plot_metrics_by_parameters:
+ iterations = 0
+ print('Generating table of parameters')
+ for column_index, column in list(enumerate(column_description))[::-1]: # reverse
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names))
+ column_name = column[0]
+ column_description[column_index] = column
+ if column_name in metric_names:
+ if max_display_results > 0:
+ column_description[column_index] = column_name + ' values'
+ column_description.insert(column_index + 1, column_name + ' mean')
+ column_description.insert(column_index + 2, column_name + ' std')
+ column_description.insert(column_index + 3, column_name + ' conf')
+ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+ list_row: List
+ for list_row in all_results:
+ string_values: str = list_row[column_index]
+ if string_values is None:
+ metric_values: List[float] = [nan]
+ else:
+ metric_values = list(map(float, string_values.split('@')))
+ list_row[column_index] = [round_to_digits(x, 3) for x in metric_values[:max_display_results]]
+ list_row.insert(column_index + 1, numpy.mean(metric_values))
+ list_row.insert(column_index + 2, numpy.std(metric_values))
+ list_row.insert(column_index + 3, mean_confidence_interval_size(metric_values))
+ if all(len(list_row[column_index]) == 0 for list_row in all_results):
+ del column_description[column_index]
+ for list_row in all_results:
+ del list_row[column_index]
+ iterations += 1
+ else:
+ column_description[column_index] = column_name
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names))
+ if print_results_table: # actually print the table
+ table = my_tabulate(all_results,
+ headers=column_description,
+ tablefmt='pipe')
+ print(table)
+ cursor.execute('''
+ FROM {0}
+ '''.format(experiment_name))
+ print('Total number of rows, experiments, cells in this table:',
+ (len(all_results), cursor.fetchone()[0], len(all_results) * len(all_results[0])))
+ print('Best parameters:', best_params)
+ changed_params = {k: v for k, v in best_params.items() if best_params[k] != initial_params[k]}
+ print('Best parameters (excluding unchanged parameters):', changed_params)
+ print('loss/score for best parameters (mean, std, conf):', best_score[1:])
+ if plot_metrics_by_parameters or plot_metrics_by_metrics:
+ print('Loading data...')
+ df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(all_results, columns=param_names + [x
+ for name in metric_names
+ for x in
+ [
+ name + '_values',
+ name + '_mean',
+ name + '_std',
+ name + '_conf'
+ ]])
+ if plot_metrics_by_parameters:
+ print('Plotting metrics by parameter...')
+ plots = [
+ (param.name,
+ getattr(param, 'plot_scale', None),
+ param.smaller_value if isinstance(param, BoundedParameter) else None,
+ param.larger_value if isinstance(param, BoundedParameter) else None)
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ iterations = 0
+ for metric_name in metric_names:
+ dirname = 'img/results/{0}/{1}/'.format(experiment_name, metric_name)
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ for plot, x_scale, min_mod, max_mod in plots:
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names) * len(plots))
+ if min_mod is None:
+ min_mod = lambda x: x
+ if max_mod is None:
+ max_mod = lambda x: x
+ if df[plot].nunique() <= 1:
+ iterations += 1
+ continue
+ grid = sns.relplot(x=plot, y=metric_name + '_mean', data=df)
+ if x_scale is not None:
+ if x_scale == 'log' and min_mod(df.min(axis=0)[plot]) <= 0:
+ x_min = None
+ else:
+ x_min = min_mod(df.min(axis=0)[plot])
+ grid.set(xscale=x_scale,
+ xlim=(x_min,
+ max_mod(df.max(axis=0)[plot]),))
+ plt.savefig(dirname + '{0}.png'.format(plot))
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+ iterations += 1
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names) * len(plots))
+ if plot_metrics_by_metrics:
+ print('Plotting metrics by metrics...')
+ dirname = 'img/results/{0}/'.format(experiment_name)
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ # Generate some plots, metric by metric
+ iterations = 0
+ print('Plotting metric by metric, grouped')
+ for metric_name in metric_names:
+ for metric_2 in metric_names:
+ if metric_name == metric_2:
+ iterations += 1
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names) ** 2)
+ continue
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names) ** 2)
+ sns.relplot(x=metric_name + '_mean', y=metric_2 + '_mean', data=df)
+ plt.savefig(dirname + '{0}_{1}_grouped.png'.format(metric_name, metric_2))
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+ heatmap_from_points(x=df[metric_name + '_mean'], y=df[metric_2 + '_mean'])
+ plt.xlabel(f'mean {metric_name}')
+ plt.ylabel(f'mean {metric_2}')
+ plt.savefig(dirname + '{0}_{1}_heatmap.png'.format(metric_name, metric_2))
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+ iterations += 1
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names) ** 2)
+ df = pandas.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM {0}'.format(experiment_name),
+ connection)
+ df['dt_created'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['dt_created'])
+ if plot_metric_over_time:
+ # Generate some plots, metric over time
+ dirname = 'img/results/{0}/'.format(experiment_name)
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ print('Plotting metric over time')
+ iterations = 0
+ for metric_name in metric_names:
+ if not df[metric_name].any():
+ continue
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names))
+ ax = df.plot(x='dt_created', y=metric_name, style='.')
+ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%m-%d %H:00'))
+ plt.savefig(dirname + 'dt_created_{0}.png'.format(metric_name))
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+ iterations += 1
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(metric_names))
+ # plot optimize grouped over time
+ assert df['dt_created'].is_monotonic # sorting should not be a problem but we are lazy
+ y_means = []
+ df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='dt_created')
+ timestamps = pandas.datetimeIndex(df.dt_created).asi8 // 10 ** 9
+ iterations = 0
+ print('Preparing plot {0} over time'.format(optimize))
+ for x in timestamps:
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(timestamps))
+ not_after_x = 'CAST(strftime(\'%s\', dt_created) AS INT) <= {0}'.format(x)
+ param = get_best_params(additional_condition=not_after_x,
+ param_names=param_names,
+ experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better,
+ optimize=optimize)
+ scores, mean, std, conf = get_results_for_params(optimize, experiment_name, param,
+ additional_condition=not_after_x)
+ y_means.append(mean)
+ iterations += 1
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, len(timestamps))
+ df['score'] = y_means
+ ax = df.plot(x='dt_created', y='score')
+ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%m-%d %H:00'))
+ plt.savefig(dirname + '{0}_over_time.png'.format(optimize))
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+ return best_params, best_score
+def predictions_for_parameters(experiment_name: str, parameters, show_progress=False):
+ result_ids = result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, parameters)
+ if not show_progress:
+ return [
+ predictions_for_result_id(experiment_name, result_id)
+ for result_id in result_ids
+ ]
+ else:
+ return [
+ predictions_for_result_id(experiment_name, result_id)
+ for result_id in ProgressBar(result_ids)
+ ]
+def result_ids_for_parameters(experiment_name, parameters: Dict[str, Any]):
+ condition, parameters = only_specific_parameters_condition(parameters)
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''
+ SELECT rowid FROM {0}
+ WHERE {1}
+ ORDER BY rowid
+ '''.format(experiment_name, condition), parameters)
+ result_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ return result_ids
+def creation_times_for_parameters(experiment_name, parameters):
+ condition, parameters = only_specific_parameters_condition(parameters)
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''
+ SELECT dt_created FROM {0}
+ WHERE {1}
+ ORDER BY rowid
+ '''.format(experiment_name, condition), parameters)
+ creation_times = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ return creation_times
+def predictions_for_result_id(experiment_name: str, result_id):
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''
+ SELECT name, dataset, y_pred, y_true FROM {0}_predictions
+ WHERE result_id = ?
+ '''.format(experiment_name, ), (result_id,))
+ predictions = [{
+ 'name': row[0],
+ 'dataset': row[1],
+ 'y_pred': row[2],
+ 'y_true': row[3],
+ } for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ return predictions
+def list_difficult_samples(experiment_name,
+ loss_functions,
+ dataset,
+ max_losses_to_average=20,
+ additional_condition='1',
+ additional_parameters=(),
+ also_print=False):
+ names = all_sample_names(dataset, experiment_name)
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ if 'epochs' in additional_condition:
+ try:
+ print('Creating index to fetch results faster (if not exists)...')
+ cursor.execute('''
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {0}_by_name_epochs_dataset
+ ON {0} (name, epochs, dataset)'''.format(experiment_name))
+ except Exception as e: # TODO check error type
+ print(e)
+ pass
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ table = []
+ print('Fetching results for names...')
+ for name in ProgressBar(names):
+ if additional_condition == '1':
+ additional_join = ''
+ else:
+ additional_join = 'JOIN {0} ON {0}.rowid = result_id'.format(experiment_name)
+ if isinstance(max_losses_to_average, int) is not None and max_losses_to_average != inf:
+ limit_string = f'LIMIT ?'
+ limit_args = [max_losses_to_average]
+ elif max_losses_to_average is None or max_losses_to_average == inf:
+ limit_string = ''
+ limit_args = []
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ cursor.execute('''
+ SELECT y_pred, y_true
+ FROM {0}
+ CROSS JOIN {0}_predictions ON {0}.rowid = result_id
+ WHERE name = ? AND dataset = ? AND ({1})
+ {3}'''.format(experiment_name, additional_condition, ..., limit_string), (name,
+ dataset,
+ *additional_parameters,
+ *limit_args,))
+ data = cursor.fetchall()
+ if len(data) > 0:
+ def aggregate(xs):
+ if len(set(xs)) == 1:
+ return xs[0]
+ else:
+ return numpy.mean(xs)
+ table.append((*[aggregate([loss_function(y_pred=y_pred, y_true=y_true, name=name)
+ for y_pred, y_true in data])
+ for loss_function in loss_functions],
+ name, len(data)))
+ print('sorting table...')
+ table.sort(reverse=True)
+ if also_print:
+ print('stringifying table...')
+ print(my_tabulate(table,
+ headers=[loss_function.__name__ for loss_function in loss_functions] + ['name', '#results'],
+ tablefmt='pipe'))
+ return table
+def all_sample_names(dataset, experiment_name):
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ print('Creating index to have faster queries by name (if not exists)...')
+ cursor.execute('''
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {0}_predictions_by_name_and_dataset
+ ON {0}_predictions (dataset, name)'''.format(experiment_name))
+ print('Fetching all names...')
+ names = []
+ last_found = '' # smaller than all other strings
+ while True:
+ cursor.execute('SELECT name '
+ 'FROM {0}_predictions '
+ 'WHERE dataset = ? AND name > ?'
+ 'LIMIT 1'.format(experiment_name), (dataset, last_found))
+ row = cursor.fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ break
+ names.append(row[0])
+ last_found = row[0]
+ return names
+def only_specific_parameters_condition(parameters: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, Tuple]:
+ items = list(parameters.items()) # to have the correct ordering
+ return '(' + ' AND '.join(f'"{name}" IS ?' for name, _ in items) + ')', \
+ tuple(value for name, value in items)
+def only_best_parameters_condition(experiment_name: str,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool,
+ optimize: str,
+ param_names: List[str],
+ additional_condition: str = '1') -> Tuple[str, Tuple]:
+ parameters = get_best_params(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ larger_result_is_better=larger_result_is_better,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ param_names=param_names,
+ additional_condition=additional_condition)
+ return only_specific_parameters_condition(parameters)
+def get_results_for_params(metric, experiment_name, parameters, confidence=0.95,
+ additional_condition='1'):
+ param_names = list(parameters.keys())
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ params_equal = '\nAND '.join('"' + param_name + '" IS ?' for param_name in param_names)
+ cursor.execute(
+ '''
+ SELECT {0}
+ FROM {1}
+ WHERE {2} AND ({3})
+ '''.format(metric,
+ experiment_name,
+ params_equal,
+ additional_condition),
+ tuple(parameters[name] for name in param_names)
+ )
+ # noinspection PyShadowingNames
+ scores = [row[0] if row[0] is not None else nan for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ if len(scores) == 0:
+ return scores, nan, nan, nan
+ return scores, numpy.mean(scores), numpy.std(scores), mean_confidence_interval_size(scores, confidence)
+def num_results_for_params(param_names, experiment_name, parameters,
+ additional_condition='1'):
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ params_equal = '\nAND '.join('"' + param_name + '" IS ?' for param_name in param_names)
+ cursor.execute(
+ '''
+ FROM {0}
+ WHERE {1} AND ({2})
+ '''.format(experiment_name,
+ params_equal,
+ additional_condition),
+ tuple(parameters[name] for name in param_names)
+ )
+ return cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def get_best_params(experiment_name: str,
+ larger_result_is_better: bool,
+ optimize: str,
+ param_names: List[str],
+ additional_condition='1') -> Optional[Parameters]:
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ param_names_comma_separated = ','.join('"' + param_name + '"' for param_name in param_names)
+ worst_score = '-1e999999' if larger_result_is_better else '1e999999'
+ # noinspection SqlAggregates
+ cursor.execute('''
+ SELECT * FROM {0} AS params
+ WHERE ({4})
+ GROUP BY {1}
+ ORDER BY AVG(CASE WHEN params.{3} IS NULL THEN {5} ELSE params.{3} END) {2}, MIN(rowid) ASC
+ '''.format(experiment_name,
+ param_names_comma_separated,
+ 'DESC' if larger_result_is_better else 'ASC',
+ optimize,
+ additional_condition,
+ worst_score, ))
+ row = cursor.fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ raise EmptyTableError()
+ else:
+ return params_from_row(cursor.description, row, param_names=param_names)
+def params_from_row(description, row, param_names=None) -> Parameters:
+ best_params = {}
+ for idx, column_description in enumerate(description):
+ column_name = column_description[0]
+ if param_names is None or column_name in param_names:
+ best_params[column_name] = row[idx]
+ return best_params
+def create_experiment_tables_if_not_exists(experiment_name, params, metric_names):
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ param_names = set(param.name for param in params)
+ initial_params = {param.name: param.initial_value for param in params}
+ cursor.execute('''
+ dt_created datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
+ )
+ '''.format(experiment_name))
+ cursor.execute('''
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {0}_predictions(
+ dataset TEXT NOT NULL,
+ y_true BLOB,
+ y_pred BLOB,
+ name TEXT NOT NULL, -- used to identify the samples
+ result_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES {0}(rowid),
+ UNIQUE(result_id, dataset, name) -- gives additional indices
+ )
+ '''.format(experiment_name))
+ connection.commit()
+ for param_name in param_names:
+ default_value = initial_params[param_name]
+ add_parameter_column(experiment_name, param_name, default_value)
+ for metric_name in metric_names:
+ add_metric_column(experiment_name, metric_name)
+def add_metric_column(experiment_name, metric_name, verbose=0):
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ try:
+ cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN "{1}" NUMERIC DEFAULT NULL'.format(experiment_name,
+ metric_name))
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
+ if 'duplicate column name' not in e.args[0]:
+ raise
+ else:
+ if verbose:
+ print(f'WARNING: created additional column {metric_name}. This may or may not be intentional')
+ connection.commit()
+def add_parameter_column(experiment_name, param_name, default_value, verbose=0):
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ try:
+ if isinstance(default_value, str):
+ default_value.replace("'", "\\'")
+ default_value = "'" + default_value + "'"
+ if default_value is None:
+ default_value = 'NULL'
+ cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN "{1}" BLOB DEFAULT {2}'.format(experiment_name,
+ param_name,
+ default_value))
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
+ if 'duplicate column name' not in e.args[0]:
+ raise
+ else:
+ if verbose:
+ print(
+ f'WARNING: created additional column {param_name} with default value {default_value}. This may or may not be intentional')
+ connection.commit()
+def markdown_table(all_results, sort_by):
+ rows = [list(result['params'].values()) + [result['mean'], result['std'], result['conf'], result['all']] for result
+ in all_results]
+ rows.sort(key=sort_by)
+ table = my_tabulate(rows, headers=list(all_results[0]['params'].keys()) + ['mean', 'std', 'conf', 'results'],
+ tablefmt='pipe')
+ return table
+def validate_parameter_set(params):
+ if len(params) == 0:
+ raise ValueError('Parameter set empty')
+ for i, param in enumerate(params):
+ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+ other_param: Parameter
+ for other_param in params[i + 1:]:
+ if param.name == other_param.name and param.initial_value != other_param.initial_value:
+ msg = '''
+ A single parameter cant have multiple initial values.
+ Parameter "{0}" has initial values "{1}" and "{2}"
+ '''.format(param.name, param.initial_value, other_param.initial_value)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def run_name(parameters=None) -> str:
+ if parameters is None:
+ parameters = {}
+ shorter_parameters = {
+ shorten_name(k): shorten_name(v)
+ for k, v in parameters.items()
+ }
+ return ((str(datetime.now()) + str(shorter_parameters).replace(' ', ''))
+ .replace("'", '')
+ .replace('"', '')
+ .replace(":", '⦂')
+ .replace(",", '')
+ .replace("_", '')
+ .replace("<", '')
+ .replace(">", '')
+ .replace("{", '')
+ .replace("}", ''))
+def plot_experiment(metric_names,
+ experiment_name: str,
+ plot_name: str,
+ param_names: List[str],
+ params_list: List[Parameters],
+ evaluate: EvaluationFunction,
+ ignore: List[str] = None,
+ plot_shape=None,
+ metric_limits: Dict = None,
+ titles=None,
+ natural_metric_names: Dict[str, str] = None,
+ min_runs_per_params=0,
+ single_plot_width=6.4,
+ single_plot_height=4.8, ):
+ if natural_metric_names is None:
+ natural_metric_names = {}
+ for parameters in params_list:
+ if 'epochs' not in parameters:
+ raise ValueError('`plot_experiment` needs the number of epochs to plot (`epochs`)')
+ if metric_limits is None:
+ metric_limits = {}
+ if ignore is None:
+ ignore = []
+ if titles is None:
+ titles = [None for _ in params_list]
+ if plot_shape is None:
+ width = ceil(sqrt(len(params_list)))
+ plot_shape = (ceil(len(params_list) / width), width,)
+ else:
+ width = plot_shape[1]
+ plot_shape_offset = 100 * plot_shape[0] + 10 * plot_shape[1]
+ axes: Dict[int, Axes] = {}
+ legend: List[str] = []
+ results_dir = 'img/results/{0}/over_time/'.format(experiment_name)
+ os.makedirs(results_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ metric_names = sorted(metric_names, key=lambda m: (metric_limits.get(m, ()), metric_names.index(m)))
+ print(metric_names)
+ plotted_metric_names = []
+ iterations = 0
+ for plot_std in [False, True]:
+ plt.figure(figsize=(single_plot_width * plot_shape[1], single_plot_height * plot_shape[0]))
+ for idx, metric in enumerate(metric_names):
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, 2 * (len(metric_names) - len(ignore)))
+ limits = metric_limits.get(metric, None)
+ try:
+ next_limits = metric_limits.get(metric_names[idx + 1], None)
+ except IndexError:
+ next_limits = None
+ if metric in ignore:
+ continue
+ sqlite_infinity = '1e999999'
+ metric_is_finite = '{0} IS NOT NULL AND {0} != {1} AND {0} != -{1}'.format(metric, sqlite_infinity)
+ for plot_idx, parameters in enumerate(params_list):
+ while num_results_for_params(param_names=param_names,
+ experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ parameters=parameters, ) < min_runs_per_params:
+ print('Doing one of the missing experiments for the plot:')
+ print(parameters)
+ results = try_parameters(experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ params=parameters, )
+ assert any(result.parameters == parameters for result in results)
+ contains_avg_over = 'average_over_last_epochs' in parameters
+ total_epochs = parameters['epochs']
+ history = []
+ lower_conf_limits = []
+ upper_conf_limits = []
+ for epoch_end in range(total_epochs):
+ current_parameters = parameters.copy()
+ if contains_avg_over:
+ current_parameters['average_over_last_epochs'] = None
+ current_parameters['epochs'] = epoch_end + 1
+ scores, mean, std, conf = get_results_for_params(
+ metric=metric,
+ experiment_name=experiment_name,
+ parameters=current_parameters,
+ additional_condition=metric_is_finite
+ )
+ history.append(mean)
+ if plot_std:
+ lower_conf_limits.append(mean - 1.959964 * std)
+ upper_conf_limits.append(mean + 1.959964 * std)
+ else:
+ lower_conf_limits.append(mean - conf)
+ upper_conf_limits.append(mean + conf)
+ x = list(range(len(history)))
+ if plot_shape_offset + plot_idx + 1 not in axes:
+ # noinspection PyTypeChecker
+ ax: Axes = plt.subplot(plot_shape_offset + plot_idx + 1)
+ assert isinstance(ax, Axes)
+ axes[plot_shape_offset + plot_idx + 1] = ax
+ ax = axes[plot_shape_offset + plot_idx + 1]
+ ax.plot(x, history)
+ ax.fill_between(x, lower_conf_limits, upper_conf_limits, alpha=0.4)
+ if titles[plot_idx] is not None:
+ ax.set_title(titles[plot_idx])
+ if limits is not None:
+ ax.set_ylim(limits)
+ ax.set_xlim(0, max(total_epochs, ax.get_xlim()[1]))
+ current_row = plot_idx // width
+ if current_row == plot_shape[0] - 1:
+ ax.set_xlabel('Epoch')
+ natural_name = natural_metric_names.get(metric, metric)
+ if plot_std:
+ legend += ['mean ' + natural_name, '1.96σ of {0}'.format(natural_name)]
+ else:
+ legend += ['mean ' + natural_name, '95% conf. of mean {0}'.format(natural_name)]
+ plotted_metric_names.append(metric)
+ if limits is None or next_limits is None or limits != next_limits:
+ legend = legend[0::2] + legend[1::2]
+ for ax in axes.values():
+ ax.legend(legend)
+ if plot_std:
+ plt.savefig(results_dir + plot_name + '_' + ','.join(plotted_metric_names) + '_std' + '.png')
+ else:
+ plt.savefig(results_dir + plot_name + '_' + ','.join(plotted_metric_names) + '.png')
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+ plt.figure(figsize=(single_plot_width * plot_shape[1], single_plot_height * plot_shape[0]))
+ axes = {}
+ plotted_metric_names = []
+ legend = []
+ iterations += 1
+ print_progress_bar(iterations, 2 * (len(metric_names) - len(ignore)))
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ def evaluate(params):
+ return (params['A'] - 30) ** 2 + 10 * ((params['B'] / (params['A'] + 1)) - 1) ** 2 + params['C']
+ diamond_parameter_search('test',
+ diamond_size=2,
+ params=[LinearParameter('A', 10, 10),
+ ExponentialIntegerParameter('B', 8, 2),
+ ConstantParameter('C', 5)],
+ runs_per_configuration=1,
+ initial_runs=1,
+ evaluate=evaluate,
+ optimize='loss',
+ larger_result_is_better=False)